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Optimizing a function
To find the minimum of an objective function is a four steps process:
- define an objective function,
- define a CMAParameters object that contains input details to the algorithm,
- call on the optimizer,
- finally get a CMASolutions object that contains the optimization results.
These three steps are reviewed below.
An objective function is defined as a of type FitFunc:
FitFunc fsphere = [](const double *x, const int N)
double val = 0.0;
for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
val += x[i]*x[i];
return val;
where x is the vector of parameters to the objective function, and N its dimension. Therefore N is the dimensionality of the problem (see Practical-hints on how to deal with large parameter spaces).
Next comes the instanciation of the CMAParameters object:
int dim = 10; // problem dimensions.
double sigma = 0.1; // initial step-size, i.e. estimated initial parameter error.
std::vector<double> x0(dim,10.0); // initialize x0 as 10.0 in all 10 dimensions
CMAParameters<> cmaparams(x0,sigma);
cmaparams.set_algo(aCMAES); // select active CMA-ES as algorithm (default is CMA-ES).
The full API of the CMAParameters object has more abilities such as control of tolerance, function evaluation budget, number of offsprings per generation etc... For instance:
cmaparams.set_max_fevals(10000); // limits the number of function evaluations to 10000
cmaparams.set_max_iter(100000); // limits the number of iterations of the algorithms to 1000000
cmaparams.set_ftarget(1e-8); // stops the optimization whenever the objective function values gets below 1e-8
See CMAParameters API for more details.
Next step is to run the optimizer:
CMASolutions cmasols = cmaes<>(fsphere,cmaparams);
This yields a CMASolutions object that allows to check on the optimization final status, some statistics, and to study and capture the final and best solution.
std::cout << "best solution: " << cmasols << std::endl;
std::cout << "optimization took " << cmasols.elapsed_time() / 1000.0 << " seconds\n";
std::cout << cmasols.run_status(); // the optimization status, failed if < 0
One of the main element to first check is the final status of the optimization process.
The following error codes are available, as defined in CMAStopCriteria:
CONT = 0,
TOLHISTFUN = 1, // convergence
EQUALFUNVALS = 5, // partial success, user error
TOLX = 2, // partial success
STAGNATION = 6, // partial success
CONDITIONCOV = -15, // error, user action needed
NOEFFECTAXIS = 3, // partial success
NOEFFECTCOOR = 4, // partial success
FTARGET = 10 // success
The best solution is obtained as a Candidate object:
Candidate bcand = cmasols.best_candidate();
double fmin = bcand.get_fvalue(); // min objective function value the optimizer converged to
std::vector<double> x_stdv = bcand.get_x(); // vector of objective function parameters at minimum.
const double* x_dptr = bcand.get_x_ptr(); // vector of objective function parameters at minimum, as C-style double array
Eigen::VectorXd x_ev = bcand.get_x_dvec(); // vector of objective function parameters at minimum, as Eigen vector
double edm = cmasols.edm(); // expected distance to the minimum.
A copy of the error covariance matrix can be obtained from the CMASolutions object:
dMat err_cov = cmasols.cov();
where dMat is an Eigen3 matrix. It can easily be converted to a array of double:
double* derr_cov = err_cov.data();