Welcome to our chat app! Alpha version deployment: https://icy-pebble-0418c9b10.5.azurestaticapps.net/ Proxy/Backend Server: https://roomchat-mna.azurewebsites.net/ (If you don't get redirected to static site, the backend server is inactive and will begin after few minutes (a cold start)
This application will allow users to engage in real-time chat conversations, join rooms, send/receive messages, and view active user counts. It's perfect for connecting with friends, colleagues, or anyone around the globe!
- Frontend: Typescript, Vue.js, Vite Build Tool
- Backend: TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, Socket.IO
- Deployment / Infrastructure: Github Actions, Azure Static Web App, Azure Web Pub/Sub
- User Signup/Login: Users can sign up for an account or log in with existing credentials.
- Room Management: Browse available rooms, create new rooms, or join existing ones.
- Real-Time Messaging: Send and receive messages instantly within chat rooms.
- User Interaction: View announcements when users join or leave rooms, and see the current number of active users in each room.
- roomchat-frontend: Contains the frontend code written in Vue.js.
- roomchat-backend: Contains the backend code written in Node.js.
- contracts: Contains Data-Transfer Objects that will be serialized between the apps
Prerequisites: node, npm, typescript
git clone <repository-url>
cd roomchat
cd roomchat-frontend
npm install
cd ../roomchat-backend
npm install
Create a .env file in the backend directory and add necessary environment variables such as database connection URI, JWT secret, etc. You can get more information in the backend readme.
Later on when the front-end starts making requests to backend, remember to configure the backend url in the frontend config as well.
cd to backend dir
npm run dev
Start the frontend development server
cd to front end
npm run dev
Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5173 to access the front-end vite server.
To access the backend server, look at the port that shows when you do npm run dev in the backend.
When you develop and write tests, you can run them using npm test (not configured yet)
This project is licensed under the MIT License.