This is a basic Python program for transliterating (Russian) Cyrillic characters to the Latin alphabet, which was written as part of my assessment for the 7LN004 Computational Linguistics module on the MA Computational Linguistics 2020-21 programme at the University of Wolverhampton.
The program prompts the user to input a string containing Russian Cyrillic characters and select one of three transliteration systems – the International Scholarly System for transliterating Cyrillic, the ISO 9:1995 standard (equivalent to the GOST 7.79-2000(A) standard), or the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) guidelines for transliteration – which is then used to transliterate and return this string. Multiple transliterations can be generated for each string and multiple strings can be processed in a single session, though only one step at a time.
For full details, explanation of how the program works and examples of testing, please see the associated PDF document "CSVidler 7LN004 - CompLing Essay - Program Section.pdf", which formed part of my overall assessment submission for the module.
-Chris Vidler