All bezels here are to work with the DUIMON Mega Bezel shaders, however the Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance bezels are the only ones that don't, just use regular shaders for those (use Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Light, Game Boy Color Dot Matrix, or LCD Grid V2 GBC Color MotionBlur for good results).
Bear in mind with the About section, these bezels are designed to be used for 1440p setups. I don't have much know-how on how to make these work in lower/higher resolutions. I do have config files made for 1440p and 1080p users for the Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance bezels however. I also added the NES as well should you wish to use those bezels without DUIMON Mega Bezels for the shaders; I may do the other systems as well possibly.
Download the config file meant for your monitor setup and place it under the core folder of choice (in this case I use Gambatte for the GBP/GBC [retroarch\config\Gambatte]), but be sure to remove the "-####p" part of the .CFG's file name.