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Ceeblue Web Utilities

This is a basic component library for Ceeblue projects, consisting of a collection of essential tools and utilities used in all Ceeblue web projects.


Add the library as a dependency to your npm project using:

npm install @ceeblue/web-utils

Then import the library into your project, for example:

import { Util, ILog } from '@ceeblue/web-utils';


If your project uses TypeScript, it is recommended that you set target: "ES6" in your configuration to match our use of ES6 features and ensure that your build will succeed (for those requiring a backward-compatible UMD version, a local build is recommended). Then define the "moduleResolution" compiler option: "Node" in tsconfig.json helps with import failures by ensuring that TypeScript uses the correct import resolution strategy based on the targeted Node.js version.

   "compilerOptions": {
      "target": "ES6",
      "moduleResolution": "Node"


To debug production code without modifying it, the library can use special query parameter of the main page's URL:

  • !cb-override-log-level : allows to override the log level for the entire library, see Log.ts for details on handling log levels.

Building locally

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Got to the web-utils folder and run npm install to install the packages dependencies.
  3. Run npm run build. The output will be five files placed in the /dist/ folder:
    • web-utils.d.ts Typescript definitions file
    • web-utils.js: Bundled JavaScript library
    • Source map that associates the bundled library with the original source files
    • web-utils.min.js Minified version of the library, optimized for size
    • Source map that associates the minified library with the original source files
git clone
cd web-utils
npm install
npm run build


This monorepo also contains built-in documentation about the APIs in the library, which can be built using the following npm command:

npm run build:docs

You can access the documentation by opening the index.html file in the docs folder with your browser (./docs/index.html).


All contributions are welcome. Please see our contribution guide for details.


By contributing code to this project, you agree to license your contribution under the GNU Affero General Public License.