I was curious about Microservice Architectures and Technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, RabbitMQ and Asynchronous Programming. So I developed Microservice via .NET Core 6 using CQRS Design Pattern.
Main goal is: Develop MP4 to MP3 converter with Asynchronous way.
I used Kong API Gateway. Because uploading a file to server might be dangerous. Some person can upload virus or trojan to server and person can access everything on server via virus file, this is gonna be devastation. So I did a precaution. (I made some precautions (like file extension checking, file size checking) on WebService that I developed .NET Core 6 but this is minor precaution)
File uploading to WebService and converting process is resource consuming and response from WebService might be resolve as 'Timeout', you actually waited the response maybe a long time and you faced 'Timeout exception', this is bad and the person that use the WebService might be very angry about that. I find out that the solution is using queue well RabbitMQ. Actually you don't wait response, only send the request and do other work via asynchronous way. Eventually you will get desired result sound and safe. Timeout exception never gonna be problem. Sometimes maybe RabbitMQ Container gonna crash but this is not huge, you should use durable queues and persistent messages and this is important, you MUST use volumes on containers or you will lose everyting! With that way you will never lose requests and messages, the user eventually get the desired result late or early.
I used Minio S3 Object Storage to store MP4 and MP3 files. Object Storages like Amazon S3 is very popular. They are cheap and fast. At first I decided to use SQL or MongoDB to store files but I thought this is very bad idea.
I used ElasticSearch for logging purposes. Because ElasticSearch is very fast and popular for logging. It stores JSON files and uses indexes and you can get desired results with document scoring mechanism, you can create dashboards on Kibana. This is cool!
I used .NET Core 6. Because I wanted to learn something from .NET Technologies.
I used same network configuration on all containers (Kong, RabbitMQ, Minio, WebService and others). Because containers can communicate each other via same using same network.
I used CQRS Design Pattern on Web Service and other Microservices.
I used Initilization Service for building required elements such as create Bucket in Minio, create indexes in ELK and create queues-exchanges and binding them each other in RabbitMQ. It runs only once.
Check the link: https://learn.microsoft.com/tr-tr/azure/architecture/patterns/cqrs
- Microservice Project with .NET Core 6 using CQRS Design Pattern
- Developed via .Net Core 6
- Uses RabbitMQ for Asynchronous Communication
- Uses ElasticSearch for logging request, responses, error messages and info messages
- Uses Microsoft ILogging for Console Logging
- Uses Minio S3 Object Storage for store files
- Uses Kong API Gateway for API security
- Uses FFMpeg to convert MP4 to MP3
- Uses Initilization service that builds required elements for the project and you are ready to go.
- Easy to deploy, just use Dockerfile to build image and use Docker Compose to deploy microservices
- Uses Environment Variables to more dynamic development (Test and Production environments)
- Can run on any platform (Mac, Linux and Windows wherever you want!)
Currently I use Docker version 20.10.21 and Docker Compose version v2.6.0
Currently I use Linux Ubuntu 18.06 LTS machine on Google Cloud.
Docker Engine and Docker Compose must be installed. Check out on Docker's offical site.
I followed instructions on this github repo: https://github.com/deviantony/docker-elk . Check readme, instructions are clear and simple. Note: I used Elastic, Logstash and Kibana version 8.5.1 at the time of I wrote this readme
Use below docker-compose file.
version: "3.9"
image: quay.io/minio/minio
- minio-volume:/data
default: null
restart: always
container_name: minio_object_storage
- 9000:9000
- 9001:9001
command: server --console-address ":9001" /data
name: kong_default
- Use below docker-compose file.
version: "3.9"
image: rabbitmq:3-management
- rabbitmq-volume:/var/lib/rabbitmq
default: null
restart: always
hostname: my_rabbitmq
container_name: rabbitmq
- 15672:15672
- 5672:5672
name: kong_default
I followed instructions on this github repo: https://github.com/Kuari/kong-konga-docker-compose . Check readme, instructions are clear and simple.
For example, I used below docker-compose file.
version: "3"
image: postgres:9.6
container_name: kong-database
- "5432"
default: null
- "db-data-kong-postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
image: kong
- KONG_DATABASE=postgres
- KONG_PG_HOST=kong-database
command: kong migrations bootstrap
restart: on-failure
- kong-database
image: kong
container_name: kong
- LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
- KONG_DATABASE=postgres
- KONG_PG_HOST=kong-database
- KONG_PROXY_ERROR_LOG=/dev/stderr
- KONG_ADMIN_ERROR_LOG=/dev/stderr
restart: on-failure
- 8001
- 8444
- 8000:8000
- 8443:8443
default: null
- kong-database:kong-database
- kong-migrations
image: pantsel/konga
- 1337:1337/tcp
default: null
- kong:kong
container_name: konga
name: kong_default
There is some examples of service definitions in folder called "\YAML-Files\Kong\Service-Route Definitions".
You should define exactly as I do in pictures.
Also there is example of route definition of service. You can define whatever you want. Just define route and bind to service.
The Snapshot file is in "YAML Files/Kong/Snapshot" folder. File format is JSON and you can import it in your Kong instance using Konga Admin Dashboard.
Just use the Dockerfile to build image. After that use "docker run" command to run microservices.
You can use below crontab definition in your Linux Environment. You can edit whatever you like.
*/7 * * * * docker restart notification_service #container name can be edited
*/7 * * * * docker restart logger_service #container name can be edited
*/7 * * * * docker restart converter_service #container name can be edited
Name | Required | Type | Description |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
//The tools that is used by webservice and microservices is running (online)
"HostStatus": "Host is working!"
//The tools that is used by webservice and microservices is not running or online
"HostStatus": "Host is not working!"
Name | Required | Type | Description |
file |
required | Form Data | MP4 file to upload to API |
email |
required | Form Data | Email address to receive converted from MP4 file that sent to MP3 |
//File uploaded succesfully
"responseCode": 200,
"message": "File uploaded!",
"errorMessage": "",
"errorCode": 0
//File format error
"ErrorMessage": "File format must be mp4!",
"ErrorCode": 400
//Error occurred while uploading the file
"ErrorMessage": "Some error text",
"ErrorCode": 500
I used CQRS Design Pattern Web Service and other Microservices.
- Uses RabbitMQ for Asynchronous Communication.
- Gets messages that contains email and file guid data from queue.
- Fetches MP4 file's stream data from Minio Object Storage via File Guid data that exists in queue message.
- Converts MP4 file's stream data to MP3 stream data via FFMpeg Library (Basically converts MP4 file to MP3 file).
- New Guid is generated and MP3 stream data is saved as MP3 file in Minio Object Storage.
- Email and New File Guid is sent to queue as message with TTL. (I used 43200000 milliseconds = 12 hours as TTL). The reason is I wanted to limit the requests and don't occupy too much the services.
- Complete convert process until new message arrives to queue.
- Also error logs are sent to queue called 'errorlogs' and info logs are sent to queue called 'otherlogs'. They are ready to consumed by Logger Microservice.
- It uses Environment Variables. You can pass any RabbitMQ, Minio or ELK host, username, password into web service as environment variables in code and Docker Compose file. It is more dynamic for me because, host servers of Minio and other technologies can change during development (Like Test environment and Production environment).
- Uses RabbitMQ for Asynchronous Communication.
- Uses ElasticSearch for saving logs into indexes.
- Fetches message from two different queues. They called 'errorlogs' and 'otherlogs' queues.
- Saves logs into two different indexes in ElasticSearch. Errorlogs are saved into index that called 'loggerservice_errorlogs'. Infologs (Otherlogs) are saved into index that called 'loggerservice_otherlogs'.
- It is bassically logger.
- It uses Environment Variables. You can pass any RabbitMQ, Minio or ELK host, username, password into web service as environment variables in code and Docker Compose file. It is more dynamic for me because, host servers of Minio and other technologies can change during development (Like Test environment and Production environment).
- It is web service that you can upload MP4 file (Max size of file is around 30MB is limited, this is handled by Environment Variable as well).
- It has only two controller (route). Health Controller is checking the health of API and its tools like ELK, RabbitMQ. Converter Controller is the main thing of the project, you can upload MP4 file for convert process.
- It is REST API.
- It uses RabbitMQ for queue the message that contains of email and Guid of uploaded MP4 file with TTL (I used 3600000 milliseconds = 1 hour as TTL). The reason is I wanted to limit the requests and don't occupy too much the services.
- It uses Minio Object Storage to store MP4 files.
- It uses ElasticSearch to log errors and infos.
- It uses Environment Variables. You can pass any RabbitMQ, Minio or ELK host, username, password into web service as environment variables in code and Docker Compose file. It is more dynamic for me because, host servers of Minio and other technologies can change during development. It is Like Test environment and Production environment.
- It uses RabbitMQ to fetch message that contains email address and MP3 File Guid from queue. Guid is generated in Converter Microservice.
- It uses Minio Object Storage to fetch MP3 files via Guid.
- It uses Environment Variables. You can pass any RabbitMQ, Minio or ELK host, username, password into web service as environment variables in code and Docker Compose file. It is more dynamic for me because, host servers of Minio and other technologies can change during development (Like Test environment and Production environment).
- It uses Google Gmail to send MP3 file in the attachment as email to user. This configuration is based on Environment Variables as well. You can pass working SMTP Host, Username, Password and Port to project via using Environment Variables.
- Error logs are sent to queue called 'errorlogs' and info logs are sent to queue called 'otherlogs'. They are ready to consumed by Logger Microservice.
- It is basically Initilization service for the whole project. It builds required elements for the project. It runs only once.
- It creates required Minio Bucket.
- It creates required RabbitMQ Queue - Exchanges and binds them each other. Assigns message TTL property to exchanges.
- It creates required ELK Indexes.
At the root of project, there is a folder called 'YAML-Files'. Each folder name represents technologies that I used in this project. In that folders, there are docker-compose files corresponds to each related folder. Use them to install on Docker Compose.
To install the Microservices, go to Microservices folder and each Microservice are represented as folder name. Inside of that folders there is docker-compose file. Use them via creating .env file in your workspace or whatever you want!
Install InitilizationService first and install the other services second!
❗ ❗ ❗ Install InitilizationService first and install the other services second! ❗ ❗ ❗
I am open every advice for my project. I am planning to improve myself on .NET Core 6, Microservices and Container Technologies. So don't hesitate comment on my project. Every idea is plus for me.
ELK script and Docker Compose files added to project. Folder names are 'YAML Files' and 'ELK Scripts'.
Please use the Github issues.