GLL - A patch for the Galileo magnetometer
In 1993 I worked on a project to produce a software patch for the magnetomer instrument on the Galileo spacecraft, then in orbit around Jupiter. The magnetometer had developed a bad RAM byte. Unfortunately, the development system that had been used to program the instrument had been decommissioned. I wrote a new development system from scratch using Macintosh Common Lisp (now Clozure Common Lisp) and used it to develop a patch for the magnetometer code.
This is a raw dump of my archive from that project. I have not looked at this code in 25 years and I don't remember much in the way of details about exactly what needed to be done or why. I'm putting this out there simply because some people have expressed interest in it.
This code was written while I was an employee of JPL in 1993. I don't know what its copyright status is. If you want to do anything more with it than study it academically you should probably contact the JPL public information office and get permission.