This repo is the implementation of the paper ("Latent Knowledge Reasoning Incorporated for Multi-fitting Decoupling Detection on Electric Transmission Line"). The code is based on PyTorch and large part code is reference from faster-rcnn.
- Python3.8
- Python packages
- PyTorch >= 1.0
- Torchvision >= 0.9.0
- opencv-python
- scipy
- matplotlib
- numpy
After successfully completing requirements, you can be ready to run the demo.
Download the cascade_fpn_1_12_2325.pth which finally use in the paper(LKRM) from Weights (extract code:idfv)
Download the pretrained weights(pascal_voc_cascade.pth and resnet101_caffe.pth) from Weights (extract code:idfv)
Put cascade_fpn_1_12_2325.pth into the:
- Put pascal_voc_cascade.pth into the:
- Put resnet101_caffe.pth into the:
- Using this code to see the fitting detection results in demo images:
python --cuda
Author = {Jianwei Yang and Jiasen Lu and Dhruv Batra and Devi Parikh},
Title = {A Faster Pytorch Implementation of Faster R-CNN},
Journal = {},
Year = {2017}
Author = {Shaoqing Ren and Kaiming He and Ross Girshick and Jian Sun},
Title = {Faster {R-CNN}: Towards Real-Time Object Detection
with Region Proposal Networks},
Booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems ({NIPS})},
Year = {2015}