SIRN is a network for Transmission Line dense-tiny object detection. This repo is the implementation of the paper ("SIRN: An Iterative Reasoning Network for Transmission Lines Based on Scene Prior Knowledge").
- Python3.8
- Python packages
- PyTorch >= 1.0
- Torchvision >= 0.9.0
- opencv-python-headless
- fvcore
- cloudpickle
- omegaaconf
- pycocotools
- tidecv
- fairscale
- timm
- scikit-learn
After successfully completing requirements, you can be ready to run the demo.
Download the test.pth which finally use in the paper(SIRN) from [Weights](链接: (extract code:8qb9)
Download the datasets from [Datasets]( (extractcode:8lsq)
Put datasets into the:
- Put test.pth into the:
- Using this code to see the detection results in the Transmission line datasets:
python --config-file ./model_configs/faster_r50_s600.yaml --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS test.pth