To install GfmCommandCreator to your local maven repository.
git clone
cd gfmcommandcreator/
mvn clean install
To add GfmCommandCreator as a dependency
To shade to your plugin
To register all GfmHeadCommand you had created
GfmCommandCreator.register(yourJavaPlugin, listOfGfmHeadCommand);
You also need to add the command in the plugin.yml
To create GfmHeadCommand
(GfmHeadCommand) new GfmHeadCommand.builder()
// Put any configuration specifically for GfmHeadCommand first
.setName("yourCommand") // Can't have the same name as other headCommand
.setGfmCommandHandler((sender, args) -> false) // You can use lambba expression here
// Other Configuration
To create GfmSubCommand
(GfmSubCommand) new GfmSubCommand.builder()
// Put any configuration specifically for GfmSubCommand first
.setName("yourSubCommand") // Can't have the same name as other headCommand
.setGfmCommandHandler((sender, args) -> false) // You can use lambba expression here
// Other Configuration