(c) Mark Fitzgibbon 2016
Python based tool for archiving of multiple directories.
User can pull, fork, or download tool from the Mass-Archive Repository
Mass Archive currently requires Python 3.x installed (Tested with Py3.5) Compression feature requires zlib module to be installed
MassArchive.py [-h] [--src SRC] [-c] [-g] dest
Create ZIP archives of all directories in a given folder
Positional arguments:
Argument | Description |
dest | Destination of generated archives |
Optional arguments:
Argument | Description |
-h, --help | Show help message and exit |
--src SRC, -s SRC | Location of folders to be archived (defaults to current working directory). |
-c, --compress | Compress generated archives |
-g, --generate | Generate destination directory if not present |
Tool has odd behavior when attempting to archive an already existing Zip (or similar) file
Twitter: @ibbolia
Gmail: mwfitzgibbon