A library for the easy construction, training, and running of artifical neural networks, with the ability to serialize and load arbitrary network architecture definitions and pre-trained weights. Built on top of pytorch.
This is very much a work in progress and is being used for currently active research; expect the interface to change drastically!
Eventually, this library will be "An algorithm for Genetic Evolution of Network Topologies".
Only 4 steps are needed to make and run a neural network:
import Gent as ann
gen = ann.NNGenome(geneseq)
network = ann.NeuralNetwork(gen.allGenes, connections, inputs, outputs)
runner = ann.NetworkRunner(network, xtr, ytr)
Where the arguments are:
- geneseq: A list of dicts/sequences to define the layers of a network where the required/allowed keys are defined in
. - connections ({int: ([int], [int])}): Dict with
key= gid, value= tuple of lists ([in], [out])
of gids, for each corresponding gene in the genes list, giving the input and output for that gid key - inputs (optional): Which layers the data is expected to go to.
- outputs (optional): List of output. Loss during training is applied to these.
- xtr, ytr: Data that is of the type torch.Tensor; can be lists of Tensors or a single Tensor.
See ./NetworkRunner
for potential args to give to the runner.
Files saved by Gent:
- ~/model: The torch-serialized weights for the network created by calling network.state_dict(), which outputs all saved gradients and values in registered Parameters.
- ~/stats: Test-level data; a pickled dict where {"loss"= list of loss per epoch, "err" = list of error per epoch}
- ~/stats_per_epoch: Train-level data; a pickled list, length of number of epochs, where each value is a dict of {"loss"= list of loss per batch in epoch, "avg_err"/"perplexity" = list of that type of err per batch in epoch}
Other files saved in the directory:
- ~/model_def.json: Saved by ./examples/ModelDefs.py, a json serialized list of 4 values: geneseq, connections, inputs, outputs. To properly load call
ModelDefs.from_json(model_name, *json.loads(file.read()))
. - ~/test_guids.json: List of the guids of the matches used in the most recent test data.
is 0.2.0, more specifically 0.2.0_1