Discord: Tribes 2 Discord
- Built Light-Weight
- Team Autobalancing
- Team-Balance and Base Rape Messages
- Pack Restrictions based on Population
- No Base Rape based on Population
- Turret Activation based on Population
- Loading screen customization
- Low MatchTime warnings
- Late Time Voting
- Vote Reminders and Restrictions
- Vote System Rework
- Various Bug Fixes and Exploit Fixes
- Full Players Stats that can be viewed In-game
- Discord Bot Connectivity
- Improved Map Rotation
- Pickup game improvements
- Ability to Lock Teams in tournament mode
- LakRabbit improvements
- Various tweaks for PUBs
- AFK Timeouts and Observer Kicking
- Improved Ban System
- Added Deathmatch, LCTF
- Support for Siege
- Shocklance Only Deathmatch Mode
- Various logging improvements
- Teamkill Warnings
- Flag throw and Flag collision fixes
- Various crashing fixes and Anti-Spew Lag protection
- Item toss duplication fix
- Unified water viscosity
- Persistent Gagging (Globally muting a player)
- OG blaster buffed for Heavy Armors
- No Vehicle Zone around flag is bigger 5 >> 15
- Heavy Shield Nerfed (54 to block 1 DMG, is now 60)
- Max FOV 120 >> 138 (For Wide Screens)
- Item respawn time can be changed (default 30)
- Cloak Sound 50m >> 55m
- Bigger ground dust puffs (For cloak) 0.4 larger
- Sensor Jammer jam radius is buffed to jam cloaks 30 >> 45
- Sensor Jammer can passively see cloaker's triangle
- Mortor reload rework (Player can throw, but must wait until reload time has passed)
- Tank Shield Nerf (135 to block 1 DMG, is now 142)
- Whiteout grenades are less seizurely (Due to spamming) 0.9 >> 0.78
- All water viscosity follows a global preset
- Update to Classic 1.5.2 (Found here: https://tribes2stats.com/files/mods/)
- Meant to be installed on top of Classic 1.5.2
- If a file isnt on this github it is unmodified in Classic 1.5.2
- Delete old classic folder (tribes2gsi.exe comes with 1.0.0)
- Extract Classic 1.5.2 to GameData folder
- Place files from this github in Classic folder (Overwriting old files)
- Run once to create Serverprefs
- Open Classic/Prefs/Serverprefs.cs in notepad and modify to your wishes
- Run using Classic_dedicated_server.bat
- BattleLore for this template and help
- The T2 community for the free testing
- DarkTiger, Ravin, Krash
- The TribesNext community