Hi there, Today I'm going to showing how we can dockerise a simple node js Hello World application
- A simple hello world node js based application
- Build a Docker image for the node js application
- Building a Container from our mynodeimage
Here is a simple hello word code running in node js in which the aplication listens to the port 3000. I've also enabled access-log for the application as well
Before we begin, let's clone
mkdir node-js
mkdir -p node-js/code
touch node-js/code/app.js
Time to paste the below node js code to our app.js file
const http = require('http');
const accesslog = require('access-log');
const hostname = '';
const port = 3000;
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
res.statusCode = 200;
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
accesslog(req, res);
res.end('<h1><center>Hello World! this is a simple nodejs app running in a Docker container</h1></center>');
server.listen(port, hostname, () => {
console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`);
Let's build a docker image for the nodejs application from the code we made so that we can build a container from the custom image that we build.
Before beginning lets' make a Dockerfile in our project directory node.js
cd node-js
touch Dockerfile
Time to build the docker image make sure to copy the below content in Dockerfile
# building from the alpine image which will consume less space in our host machine
FROM alpine:latest
# This is an Enviornment variable where I defined my working directory of application
ENV HOME_DIR /var/nodjs/
# This is an Enviornment variable where I defined the user which will run on the appliaction
# This is an Enviornment variable where I defined which port should I run in the application
# Installing necessary packages for the node js application to run
RUN apk update && apk add nodejs npm --no-cache
# Installing an addition package in order to show the access logs for the applicatiom
RUN npm install access-log
# Copying the code to the default home directory
COPY ./code/ .
# Adding a new user with shell access
RUN adduser -h $HOME_DIR -D -s /bin/sh $USER
# User should have full privilege to home directory
# Once a container is build from image, the container should run as node user, this is for security purpose
# The port where my application should run
CMD ["app.js"]
I've set some Enviornment variables where I defined home directory, user and port of the application, you can change as per your needs
Building a docker image. Make you're in the node-js directory before executing the command
docker image build -t mynodeimage:1 .
After executing the above command, you can see your custom docker image by executing docker image ls
with the name as mynodeimage
It's time to build the container from our custom image
docker container run --name nodeapp -d -p 80:3000 mynodeimage:1
You can see your container running with a port mapping
]$ docker container ls -a
21ecde87b960 mynodeimage:1 "node app.js" 5 seconds ago Up 4 seconds>3000/tcp, :::80->3000/tcp nodeapp
Once everything is donce you can call the IP address of the server either http://<Ip address of the server>
to see the result.