To run the Forward_Bot, install the Python library telethon on your Linux system.
sudo pip install telethon
from telethon import TelegramClient, events
import asyncio
import logging
import random # Import the random module to introduce randomness to the delay
import os # Import relative path
from import functions, types # Import the necessary types/functions
# Replace these values with your own api_id and api_hash
api_id = 123456789
api_hash = '123456789123456789'
# Determine the directory of your script
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Define the session file name
session_name = "your_session_name"
# Provide the folder path for the session
session_path = os.path.join(script_dir, session_name)
# Initialize the TelegramClient
client = TelegramClient(session_path, api_id, api_hash)
# From Channnel 1
from_ch1 = 123
to_channelforward1 = 456
# From Channnel 2
from_ch2 = 123
to_channelforward2 = 456
# From Channnel 3
from_ch3 = 123
to_channelforward3 = 456
# From Channnel 4
from_ch4 = 123
to_channelforward4 = 456
# From Channnel 5
from_ch5 = 123
to_channelforward5 = 456
# From Channnel ....
from_ch.... = 123
to_channelforward.... = 456
# Define retry constants
max_retries = 5 # Maximum number of retries
base_delay = 5 # Initial retry delay in seconds
# Function to send a message with a retry strategy
async def send_message_with_retry(client, chat_id, message):
retry_delay = base_delay
retries = 0
while retries < max_retries:
await client.send_message(chat_id, message)
return # Message sent successfully
except Exception as e:
retries += 1
logging.warning(f"Failed to send message (attempt {retries}): {e}")
await asyncio.sleep(retry_delay)
retry_delay *= 2 # Exponential backoff
logging.warning("Max retries reached. Could not send the message.")
# Function to send a message with a retry strategy
async def forward_message_with_retry(client, chat_id, message):
retry_delay = base_delay
retries = 0
while retries < max_retries:
await client.forward_messages(chat_id, message)
return # Message sent successfully
except Exception as e:
retries += 1
logging.warning(f"Failed to send message (attempt {retries}): {e}")
await asyncio.sleep(retry_delay)
retry_delay *= 2 # Exponential backoff
logging.warning("Max retries reached. Could not send the message.")
# Your event handler function
async def my_event_handler(event):
chat = await event.get_chat()
# Handle different chats here
if == from_ch1:
await send_message_with_retry(client, to_channelforward1, event.message)
if == from_ch2:
await send_message_with_retry(client, to_channelforward2, event.message)
if == from_ch3:
await send_message_with_retry(client, to_channelforward3, event.message)
if == from_....:
await forward_message_with_retry(client, to_....., event.message)