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Alasiriab2 committed Jul 19, 2020
1 parent f920063 commit ef42f29
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Showing 2 changed files with 145 additions and 153 deletions.
153 changes: 0 additions & 153 deletions run_loftk.csh

This file was deleted.

145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
#! /bin/bash

for i in 8CTOT05 ### Cohort
echo $i
IN=/hpc/dhl_ec/aalasiri/lof/Imputation/$i/Imputation ### path to imputation files (output from IMPUTE2)
mkdir $INPUT
mkdir $OUTPUT

# for chr in $(seq 21 22)
# do
# echo $chr

#### Preparation of imputation files #####
# mkdir $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"
# rm $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/*
# cp $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"
# cp $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"
# cp $IN/"$i"_GoNL_1KG_chr"$chr"\:*info $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/ #?#
# cp $IN/"$i"_GoNL_1KG_chr"$chr"\:*sample* $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/ #?#

### The full Mb span of the chromosome
# start=$( awk ' $1=="'$chr'" { print $2 } ' $loftk/chromosome_windows.txt )
# stop=$( awk ' $1=="'$chr'" { print $3 } ' $loftk/chromosome_windows.txt )

# while [ $start -le $stop ]
# do

### Set the upper and lower bound for this particular interval
# lower=$start
# upper=$((start + 5))
# echo $i $chr $lower $upper

# echo "scan allele probs file"
# zcat $IN/"$i"_GoNL_1KG_chr"$chr":"$lower"-"$upper"Mb_allele_probs.gz | awk '$1~/---/' > $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/"$i"_GoNL_1KG_chr"$chr":"$lower"-"$upper"Mb_allele_probs
# echo "scan haps file"
# zcat $IN/"$i"_GoNL_1KG_chr"$chr":"$lower"-"$upper"Mb_haps.gz | awk '$1!~/---/' >> $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/"$i"_GoNL_1KG_chr"$chr":"$lower"-"$upper"Mb_allele_probs
# echo "sort on position"
# sort -gk3 $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/"$i"_GoNL_1KG_chr"$chr":"$lower"-"$upper"Mb_allele_probs > $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/"$i"_GoNL_1KG_chr"$chr":"$lower"-"$upper"Mb_allele_probs.sorted
# mv $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/"$i"_GoNL_1KG_chr"$chr":"$lower"-"$upper"Mb_allele_probs.sorted $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/"$i"_GoNL_1KG_chr"$chr":"$lower"-"$upper"Mb_allele_probs
# echo "gzip final file"
# gzip $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/"$i"_GoNL_1KG_chr"$chr":"$lower"-"$upper"Mb_allele_probs

# (( start += 5 ))
# done
### This does not work with csh, manually!
# find $INPUT/vcf_chr*/ -name '*_GoNL_1KG_chr*Mb_allele_probs.gz' -size -65c -delete

#### Preparation of imputation files #####
### Run allele_probs_to_vcf in all folders
# cp $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/
# echo "perl -v" > $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/run.$i.$
# echo "gzip *.vcf" >> $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/run.$i.$
# qsub -o output -e error -l h_rt=1:00:00 -wd $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/ -S /bin/sh $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/run.$i.$
# sleep 1

#### Annotation of LoF variants using VEP and LOFTEE plugin #####
# count=1
# for c in $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/$i*.phased.vcf.gz
# do
# if [ ! -e ${c%.gz}.vep.vcf.gz ]; then
# echo $c
# echo ${c%.gz}.vep.vcf
# echo run.$i.$chr.$

# echo "./ensembl-vep/vep --input_file $c --output_file ${c%.gz}.vep.vcf --vcf --offline --phased --assembly GRCh37 --plugin LoF,loftee_path:./loftee,human_ancestor_fa:./human_ancestor_fa/GRCh37/human_ancestor.fa.gz,conservation_file:./conservation_file/GRCh37/phylocsf_gerp.sql --dir_plugins ./loftee --cache --dir_cache ./ensembl-vep --port 3337 --force_overwrite" > $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/run.$i.$chr.$
# echo " gzip $c " >> $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/run.$i.$chr.$
# echo " gzip ${c%.gz}.vep.vcf " >> $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/run.$i.$chr.$
# /opt/sge/bin/lx-amd64/qsub -o output.$i.$chr.$count -e error.$i.$chr.$count -cwd -l h_rt=01:00:00 -S /bin/bash $INPUT/vcf_chr"$chr"/run.$i.$chr.$

# sleep 5
# ((count++))
# fi
# done
# done # chr
#### Genes containing LoF variants #####
### Genes list with high-confidence loss-of-function mutations (.vep.vcf --> gene.lof)
# mv $INPUT/vcf_chr*/*vep.vcf.gz $OUTPUT

# cp $OUTPUT
# echo "perl -v -o $i.gene.lof" > $OUTPUT/
# echo "echo "Complete: collecting high-confidence loss-of-function mutations in $i.gene.lof"" >> $OUTPUT/
# echo "perl $loftk/ $OUTPUT/$i.gene.lof $OUTPUT/$i.gene.counts" >> $OUTPUT/ # Replace the LoF strings with LoF counts (gene.lof --> gene.counts)
# echo "echo "Complete: counting high-confidence loss-of-function mutations in $i.gene.counts"" >> $OUTPUT/
# echo "perl $loftk/ $OUTPUT/$i.gene.lof $OUTPUT/$i.gene.lof.snps" >> $OUTPUT/ # Extract LoF SNPs and their allele frequency (gene.lof --> gene.snps)
# echo "echo "Complete: allele frequency of high-confidence loss-of-function mutations in $i.gene.lof.snps"" >> $OUTPUT/
# echo "echo """ >> $OUTPUT/
# qsub -o output.LoF.gene -e error.LoF.gene -l h_rt=02:00:00 -wd $OUTPUT -S /bin/sh $OUTPUT/

## there are duplicated LoFVs due to different consequences per variants (CSQ:Consequence, eg. stop_gained ... etc)

#### LoF variants #####
# cp $OUTPUT
# echo "perl -v -o $i.snp.lof" > $OUTPUT/ # List of high-confidence loss-of-function mutations (.vep.vcf --> snp.lof)
# echo "$loftk/ $OUTPUT/$i.snp.lof $OUTPUT/$i.snp.counts" >> $OUTPUT/ # Replace the LoF strings with LoF counts (snp.lof --> snp.counts)
# qsub -o output.LoF.snp -e error.LoF.snp -l h_rt=02:00:00 -wd $OUTPUT -S /bin/sh $OUTPUT/
## some snps duplicated because they exist in multiple genes XXXX get exact SNPs without duplication

#### Calculate statistics samples,SNPs, transcripts and genes per cohort #####
# g="snp"
#foreach g (gene snp)
onetwo=`cut -f 5- $OUTPUT/$i.$g.counts | tail -n +2 | awk '$0~/1/ || $0~/2/' | wc -l`
one=`cut -f 5- $OUTPUT/$i.$g.counts | tail -n +2 | awk '$0~/1/' | wc -l `
two=`cut -f 5- $OUTPUT/$i.$g.counts | tail -n +2 | awk '$0~/2/' | wc -l `
genehomomin=`cat $OUTPUT/$i.$g.counts | bash $loftk/ | tail -n +5 | cut -f 2- | sed 's/[^2]//g' | awk '{ print length }' | sort -g | head -1`
genehomomax=`cat $OUTPUT/$i.$g.counts | bash $loftk/ | tail -n +5 | cut -f 2- | sed 's/[^2]//g' | awk '{ print length }' | sort -gr | head -1`
genehetmin=`cat $OUTPUT/$i.$g.counts | bash $loftk/ | tail -n +5 | cut -f 2- | sed 's/[^1]//g' | awk '{ print length }' | sort -g | head -1`
genehetmax=`cat $OUTPUT/$i.$g.counts | bash $loftk/ | tail -n +5 | cut -f 2- | sed 's/[^1]//g' | awk '{ print length }' | sort -gr | head -1`

echo "Cohort $i"
echo "$g"s
echo "$one "$g"s heterozygous LoF, $two "$g"s homozygous LoF, $onetwo "$g"s total with LoF"
echo "$genehetmin - $genehetmax "$g"s with heterozygous LoF per sample"
echo "$genehomomin - $genehomomax "$g"s with homozygous LoF per sample"

done # cohort

echo "======================================================================="
echo " _____ _ _ ____ "
echo " | ____| \ | | _ \ "
echo " | _| | \| | | | | "
echo " | |___| |\ | |_| | "
echo " |_____|_| \_|____/ "
echo "======================================================================="

#cat $i | bash | tail -n +5 | cut -f 2- | sed 's/[^2]//g' | awk '{ print length }' > $i.homozygousLoFcounts_per_sample.txt
#cat $i | bash | tail -n +5 | cut -f 2- | sed 's/[^1]//g' | awk '{ print length }' > $i.heterozygousLoFcounts_per_sample.txt

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