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Traditionally, Additive Shader mod has only allowed shaders to be toggled based on game time: On or Off at certain times of day.

From v2.0 onwards, shader visibility is moddable based on tags defined in the of the asset.

Asset settings

Mod Tools Scripts allow asset creators to set up the mesh name easily via variables at start of script.

To expose a shader to external mods, there are two key requirements:

  • The keyword must be set to Moddable, and
  • The tags must be set based on the filtering requirements of the mod

The mod should specify clearly what tags it's looking for.

An asset such as a building or vehicle can have multiple shaders, and the asset creator can choose for each shader whether it is Moddable or time-based. The Additive Shader mod will deal with the time-based shaders, while external mods will deal with the Moddable shaders.

If the external mod is not subscribed/enabled, any shaders that require it will not be visible (Additive Shader mod sets them hidden by default).


External mods instruct the Additive Shader mod to filter Moddable shaders in to groups, based on their tags.

For example, a mod which toggles shaders when it's raining might use the on-during-rain tag. Any shaders with that tag will be added to a group and then the mod can toggle visibility of the whole group when it starts/stops raining.

A single mod can define one or more groups, and can toggle visibility of each group independently. The API used by the mod handles communications between the mod and Additive Shader mod and provides the functionality to create and manage the groups.

NuGet package

First you'll need to add the AdditiveShaderAPI NuGet package to your mod.

TODO: it doesn't exist yet

Create a manager

A MonoBehaviour is required, which manages your groups, making them visible when it rains:

This is a simplified version of the 'Additive Shader - Weather Extensions' mod.

public class RainShaders : MonoBehaviour
    // the api allows you to communicate with additive shader
    private AdditiveShaderAPI api;

    // group id
    private Guid rainGroup;

    // tracks if groups are created
    private bool initialised;

    private bool rainState; // true when raining
    private bool rainStageChanged; // true if rainState has changed

    protected void Start()
        // get unique id for group
        rainGroup = Guid.NewGuid();

        // initialise api, passing in the name of your mod
        api = new AdditiveShaderAPI("RainShaders");

        // connect to the additive shader mod
        // if it fails, the RainShaders behaviour will be disabled
        enabled = api.Connect();

    protected void Update()
        // on first update, the groups need to be created
        if (!initialised && !CreateGroups())

        if (rainStateChanged)
            api.SetGroupVisibility(rainGroup, rainState);
            rainStateChanged = false;

    protected void CheckRainState()
        bool currentState =
            Singleton<WeatherManager>.instance.m_currentRain > 0.1;

        if (rainState != currentState)
            rainState = currentState;
            rainStateChanged = true;

    protected void OnDestroy()
        CancelInvoke(); // stop checking the weather

        enabled = false; // stop updating

        api = null;

    private bool CreateGroups()
        initialised = true;

        // monitor weather changes
        InvokeRepeating(nameof(CheckRainState), 1.0f, 5.0f);

        // if the group contains no shaders, terminate
        if (!api.NewGroup(rainGroup, "on-during-rain"))

        return enabled;

Attach manager to game object

The manager on its own won't do anything. We need to attach it to a GameObject.

public class Loading : LoadingExtensionBase
    private GameObject gameObject;

    public override void OnLevelLoaded(LoadMode mode)

        if (IsApplicable(mode) && AdditiveShaderAPI.IsAvailable) {

            gameObject = new GameObject();

    public override void OnLevelUnloading()

        if (!gameObject)

        gameObject = null;

    private static bool IsApplicable(LoadMode mode) =>
        mode == LoadMode.NewGame ||
        mode == LoadMode.NewGameFromScenario ||
        mode == LoadMode.LoadGame;