city-of-helsinki/drupal-helfi-asuminen: 2024-12-18.1 to 2025-01-15.1
What's Changed
- UHF-11137: Reusable workflows in #508
- Automatic npm audit fix in #501
- Automatic update in #507
- Automatic update in #510
- Automatic update in #511
- UHF-X: Change postcss processing so that css logical properties are preserved in #513
- Automatic update in #512
- Automatic update in #514
- Automatic update in #515
- Dev to main in #509
Full Changelog: 2024-12-18.1...2025-01-15.1
city-of-helsinki/drupal-hdbt: 6.8.23 to 6.8.34
What's Changed
- Update dependency eslint-import-resolver-webpack to v0.13.10 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1134
- UHF-9699: Added possibility to close menu toggle with esc in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1140
- UHF-10907 external icon in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1141
- catch in case of external route with no route parameters in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1144
- UHF-10467 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1145
- UHF-9507: Replace unit contact card title with a radio button selection in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1142
- UHF-10868: Created reusable card teaser component. Refactored news teaser and linked events event to use it in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1148
- UHF-10754 Hyphenopoly loading errors in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1150
- UHF-X: Change postcss processing so that logical properties are preserved in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1149
- UHF-11234: prevent error in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1152
- UHF-10467 aria fix in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1154
- UHF-11017: Visual regression tests for Image Gallery paragraph in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1153
- UHF-10406: Check if video src is null in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1155
- UHF-9357: Remove HDS-dropdown quickfix now that it has been fixed in HDS in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1156
- UHF-11275 Navigation toggle in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#1158
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt@6.8.23...6.8.34
city-of-helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin: 3.2.11 to 3.3.0
What's Changed
- Automatic npm audit fix in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#316
- UHF-10910: Update Gin theme to 4.0 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#319
- Automatic npm audit fix in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#321
- Update dependency hds-design-tokens to v4 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#313
- Update dependency stylelint-config-standard-scss to v14 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#315
- Update dependency eslint-import-resolver-webpack to v0.13.10 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#317
- Update dependency webpack-cli to v6 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#320
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin@3.2.11...3.3.0
city-of-helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-azure-fs: 2.0.9 to 2.0.10
What's Changed
- UHF-10891: Fix for MS Teams links, fix non-breaking spaces, fix dom serialize in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-azure-fs#34
- UHF-11137: Reusable test workflow in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-azure-fs#36
- UHF-10737: configure core file delete in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-azure-fs#35
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-azure-fs@2.0.9...2.0.10
city-of-helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config: 4.10.5 to 4.12.3
What's Changed
- UHF-11186 CKEditor link plugin in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#873
- UHF-10275 linked events autocomplete sort in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#872
- UHF-11137: Reusable test workflow in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#875
- UHF-10756: Added check if title components exist in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#877
- UHF-11208: wait for the cookies in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#878
- UHF-9507: UHF-9507: Replace unit contact card title with a radio button selection in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#876
- UHF-10910: Updated the Gin toolbar to 2.0 version. in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#880
- UHF-10352: update permissions for tpr entity deletion in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#879
- UHF-11017: Visual regression tests for Image Gallery paragraph in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#883
- UHF-10406: Catch exceptions from UrlResolverInterface::getProviderByUrl in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#884
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config@4.10.5...4.12.3
city-of-helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tpr: 2.3.10 to 2.3.11
What's Changed
- UHF-11137: Reusable test workflow in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tpr#175
- UHF-10352 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tpr#177
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tpr@2.3.10...2.3.11
city-of-helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tunnistamo: 3.0.9 to 3.0.10
What's Changed
- UHF-11137: Reusable test workflow in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tunnistamo#42
- Disable openid_connect role mapping in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tunnistamo#43
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tunnistamo@3.0.9...3.0.10