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fix: added missing localizations and better de minimis text (Hl-1236) (
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* fix: updated de minimis text hl-1236

* fix: added/updated localizations for employment changes hl-1236

* fix: added \n support to DeMinimisSubHeader hl-1236

* fix: used existing translation text instead of new proposal hl-1236

* fix: removed text that is provided by other key (HL-1236)
  • Loading branch information
JanneJuhola authored Apr 8, 2024
1 parent ea2ab9a commit d6c2d4f
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Showing 4 changed files with 110 additions and 109 deletions.
90 changes: 45 additions & 45 deletions frontend/benefit/applicant/public/locales/en/common.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"sent": "Application number: {{applicationNumber}} | Submitted {{submittedAt}}",
"new": "New application",
"edit": "Helsinki benefit application",
"alteration": "Report an alteration",
"alteration": "Report changes to employment",
"helperText": "Please review the application before submitting.",
"guideText": "All items marked with * are required"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
"companyContactPerson": {
"content": "The contact person will communicate on matters related to this Helsinki benefit application and will be informed of the decision on the application."
"deMinimisAidsHeading": "Below, please fill in all the de minimis aid granted to the organisation for the current and two previous tax years.",
"deMinimisAidsHeading": "Below, please fill in all the de minimis aid granted to the organisation for the current and two previous tax years.\nIf you wish, you can report the subsidies you received for the same calendar year together in one line.",
"deMinimisAidsAdd": "Save",
"deMinimisAidsRemove": "Delete",
"deMinimisAidsYes": "Yes, de minimis subsidies have been granted to the employer during the current year and the two previous tax years according to the attached table.",
Expand All @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
"tooltips": {
"heading3": "De minimis aid is minor public aid granted to companies, such as a grant, loan, interest subsidy or guarantee. De minimis aid is governed by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013.",
"heading3": "De minimis aid is minor public aid granted to companies, such as a grant, loan, interest subsidy or guarantee. De minimis aid is governed by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013.\nIn Finland, de-minimis subsidies are granted by ELY centers, Finvera, Business Finland, municipalities and regional councils.",
"associationHasBusinessActivities": "The Helsinki benefit is subject to the rules for government grants when the beneficiary is a company or an association engaged in an economic activity, irrespective of its legal form or financing method. Economic activity refers to the sale of services and products that is continuous, for gainful purposes and under competitive conditions (all three conditions must be fulfilled at the same time). The rules for government grants can also be applied to non-profit employers. As a rule, any activities that the Tax Authority has not regarded as taxable economic activities are not considered to be economic activities."
"fields": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -418,94 +418,94 @@
"decision": {
"description": {
"accepted": "Helsinki benefit has been granted from {{dateRangeStart}} to {{dateRangeEnd}}",
"rejected": "No Helsinki benefit was granted"
"accepted": "The application has been approved and the Helsinki benefit has been granted for the period of {{dateRangeStart}} - {{dateRangeEnd}}",
"rejected": "The application was rejected. No Helsinki benefit is granted."
"headings": {
"mainHeading": "Decision details",
"caseId": "Case identifier",
"caseId": "Diary number",
"status": "Decision",
"decisionDate": "Date of decision",
"decisionDate": "Decision made on",
"benefitPeriod": "Benefit period",
"benefitAmount": "Total amount of benefit",
"existingAlterations": "Alterations in employment"
"benefitAmount": "Total benefit granted",
"existingAlterations": "Change to employment"
"alterationList": {
"count_one": "{{count}} alteration in employment reported",
"count_other": "{{count}} alterations in employment reported",
"empty": "No reported alterations in employment. The employment has proceeded as expected."
"count_one": "{{count}} change in employment reported",
"count_other": "{{count}} changes in employment reported",
"empty": "No reported breaks in employment. Employment realised according to plan."
"actions": {
"showDecision": "View the decision",
"reportAlteration": "Report an alteration"
"showDecision": "View decision",
"reportAlteration": "Report changes to employment"
"alteration": {
"title": "Report an alteration",
"explanation": "Let us know if the employee's work contract ends early or is suspended temporarily. You may need to pay some of the granted Helsinki benefit back if the work contract was altered.",
"title": "Report changes to employment",
"explanation": "Report it if the employed person’s employment ends or is temporarily interrupted during the benefit period. We may recover some of the Helsinki benefit if the employment relationship changes during the benefit period.",
"actions": {
"submit": "Submit",
"cancel": "Cancel"
"fields": {
"alterationType": {
"label": "How was the employment period altered?",
"termination": "The contract was terminated",
"suspension": "The contract was suspended for a time"
"label": "What type of change to employment are you reporting?",
"termination": "Termination",
"suspension": "Temporary suspension"
"endDate": {
"label": "Last date of work"
"label": "Last day of employment"
"resumeDate": {
"label": "Date when work resumed"
"label": "Date of return to work"
"date": {
"helpText": "Please enter the date using the format D.M.YYYY"
"helpText": "Provide the date in the format D.M.YYYY"
"terminationReason": {
"label": "Reason for the termination",
"label": "Reason for the termination of employment",
"helpText": "You may enter the reason for the termination of the work contract if you wish"
"suspensionReason": {
"label": "Reason for the suspension",
"helpText": "You may enter the reason for the suspension of the work contract if you wish"
"label": "Reason for the suspension of employment",
"helpText": "Please provide the reason for the termination of your employment (optional)"
"useEinvoice": {
"label": "Delivery method for the invoice",
"yes": "E-invoice",
"no": "By mail: {{streetAddress}}, {{postCode}} {{city}}"
"label": "Invoice delivery method",
"yes": "Electronically",
"no": "By post: {{streetAddress}}, {{postCode}} {{city}}"
"einvoiceProviderName": {
"label": "Name of the e-invoice provider",
"label": "E-invoice operator",
"placeholder": "E.g. Basware Oyj"
"einvoiceProviderIdentifier": {
"label": "Identifier of the e-invoice provider",
"label": "Operator ID",
"placeholder": "E.g. BAWCFI22"
"einvoiceAddress": {
"label": "E-invoice address",
"label": "Electronic invoicing address",
"placeholder": "E.g. 001100223300",
"tooltip": "You may verify the e-invoice address of your organization on"
"tooltip": "You can check your organisation’s electronic invoicing address at"
"contactPersonName": {
"label": "Contact person to use for invoice",
"helpText": "Please enter the name of the person to whom the invoice will be addressed to"
"label": "Invoicing contact person",
"helpText": "Provide the name of the contact person added to the company invoice"
"validation": {
"resumeDateBeforeEndDate": "The work contract cannot resume before it had been suspended",
"einvoiceRequiredTogether": "All e-invoice fields must be filled when billed with an e-invoice"
"resumeDateBeforeEndDate": "The date of return to work must be after the start of the suspension",
"einvoiceRequiredTogether": "All fields must be filled, if electronic invoicing is selected"
"error": {
"notYetAccepted": "An alteration notice cannot be sent to this application as it has not yet been approved.",
"alreadyTerminated": "No more alteration notices can be sent to this application as it has already been noted to have been terminated."
"notYetAccepted": "You cannot report a change to employment using this application, because the benefit has not been granted yet.",
"alreadyTerminated": "This employment has been reported as terminated previously, which means that you cannot report a new change."
"billing": "Billing information",
"billing": "Invoicing details",
"successToast": {
"title": "Alteration notification submitted",
"bodyTermination": "An alteration notice for the termination of contract in application {{id}} has been sent.",
"bodySuspension": "An alteration notice for the suspension of contract in application {{id}} has been sent."
"title": "Employment status change report sent",
"bodyTermination": "Employment on application {{id}} has been reported as suspended.",
"bodySuspension": "Employment on application {{id}} has been reported as terminated."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -841,9 +841,9 @@
"closeToast": "Close notification"
"cookieNotification": {
"title": "Sivun palautenappeja ei voida näyttää",
"text": "Toiminnon käyttämiseksi vaaditaan, että hyväksyt sivuston evästeet. Pääsen antamaan palautetta tästä sivusta sallimalla evästeasetuksista tilastointiin liittyvät evästeet.",
"button": "Muokkaa evästeasetuksia"
"title": "Feedback buttons cannot be displayed",
"text": "To use this feature, you must accept cookies from the site. You can provide feedback on this page by enabling statistics-related cookies.",
"button": "Change cookie settings"
"decisions": {
"heading_one": "<strong>{{count}}</strong> application for which a decision has been made",
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions frontend/benefit/applicant/public/locales/fi/common.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
"companyContactPerson": {
"content": "Yhteyshenkilö kommunikoi tähän Helsinki-lisä -hakemukseen liittyvissä asioissa ja saa tiedon hakemuksen päätöksestä."
"deMinimisAidsHeading": "Täytä alle kaikki organisaatiolle myönnetyt de minimis -tuet kuluvan vuoden ja kahden edellisen verovuoden ajalta.",
"deMinimisAidsHeading": "Täytä alle kaikki organisaatiolle myönnetyt de minimis -tuet kuluvan vuoden ja kahden edellisen verovuoden ajalta.\nHalutessasi voit ilmoittaa saamasi saman kalenterivuoden tuet yhteenlaskettuna yhdellä rivillä.",
"deMinimisAidsAdd": "Tallenna",
"deMinimisAidsRemove": "Poista",
"deMinimisAidsYes": "Kyllä, työnantajalle on myönnetty de minimis -tukia kuluvan vuoden ja kahden edellisen verovuoden aikana oheisen taulukon mukaisesti.",
Expand All @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
"tooltips": {
"heading3": "De minimis -tuki on vähämerkityksistä, yrityksille myönnettävää julkista tukea, kuten esimerkiksi avustusta, lainaa, korkotukea tai takausta. De minimis -tukea säätelee Euroopan komission asetus 1407/2013.",
"heading3": "De minimis -tuki on vähämerkityksistä, yrityksille myönnettävää julkista tukea, kuten esimerkiksi avustusta, lainaa, korkotukea tai takausta. De minimis -tukea säätelee Euroopan komission asetus 1407/2013.\nDe-minimis tukia myöntää Suomessa ELY-keskukset, Finvera, Business Finland, kunnat ja maakuntien liitot.",
"associationHasBusinessActivities": "Helsinki-lisään sovelletaan valtiontukisääntöjä silloin, kun tuensaaja on yritys tai taloudellista toimintaa harjoittavaa yhteisö riippumatta sen oikeudellisesta muodosta tai rahoitustavasta. Taloudellisella toiminnalla tarkoitetaan palveluiden ja tuotteiden myyntiä, joka on jatkuvaa, ansiotarkoituksessa ja kilpailuolosuhteissa tapahtuvaa (kaikkien kolmen edellytyksen tulee täyttyä samanaikaisesti). Valtiontukisääntöjä voidaan soveltaa myös voittoa tavoittelemattomiin työnantajiin. Taloudellisena toimintana ei pääsääntöisesti pidetä toimintaa, jota verottaja ei ole katsonut verotettavaksi elinkeinotoiminnaksi."
"fields": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -418,8 +418,8 @@
"decision": {
"description": {
"accepted": "Helsinki-lisää on myönnetty aikavälille {{dateRangeStart}} – {{dateRangeEnd}}",
"rejected": "Helsinki-lisää ei myönnetty"
"accepted": "Hakemus on hyväksytty ja Helsinki-lisää on myönnetty aikavälille {{dateRangeStart}} – {{dateRangeEnd}}",
"rejected": "Hakemus on hylätty. Helsinki-lisää ei myönnetä."
"headings": {
"mainHeading": "Päätöksen tiedot",
Expand All @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@
"alteration": {
"title": "Ilmoita työsuhteen muutoksesta",
"explanation": "Ilmoita, jos työllistetyn henkilön työsuhde päättyy ennenaikaisesti tai keskeytyy väliaikaisesti. Saatamme periä Helsinki-lisää takaisin, jos tukijakson aikana työsuhteeseen tulee muutoksia.",
"explanation": "Ilmoita, jos työllistetyn henkilön työsuhde päättyy tai keskeytyy väliaikaisesti tukijakson aikana. Saatamme periä Helsinki-lisää takaisin, jos tukijakson aikana työsuhteeseen tulee muutoksia.",
"actions": {
"submit": "Lähetä",
"cancel": "Peruuta"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@
"useEinvoice": {
"label": "Laskun toimitustapa",
"yes": "Verkkolaskutus",
"yes": "Verkkolaskulla",
"no": "Postiosoitteeseen: {{streetAddress}}, {{postCode}} {{city}}"
"einvoiceProviderName": {
Expand All @@ -489,12 +489,12 @@
"tooltip": "Voit tarkistaa organisaatiosi verkkolaskuosoitteen verkkosivulta"
"contactPersonName": {
"label": "Laskulle nimetty yhteyshenkilö",
"label": "Yhteyshenkilö laskutusasioissa",
"helpText": "Kirjoita yhteyshenkilön nimi, joka lisätään laskulle"
"validation": {
"resumeDateBeforeEndDate": "Paluupäivän on oltava keskeytymisjakson alkupäivän jälkeen",
"resumeDateBeforeEndDate": "Töihinpaluupäivän on oltava keskeytymisen alkupäivämäärän jälkeen",
"einvoiceRequiredTogether": "Verkkolaskuosoitetta käytettäessä kaikki osoitekentät on täytettävä"
"error": {
Expand Down

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