A data oriented Entity Component System based clone of the famous Fruit Ninja game written in c++ and opengl.
NOTE: This is a Computer graphics university project.
For a more detailed description, see the Report (Italian)
Fruit Ninja GL è un clone di Fruit Ninja sviluppato in OpenGL dalla" Space Mambo Studios" un’immaginaria software house. L’idea di base è quella di replicare la modalità Zen del gioco integrandola però di alcune caratteristiche mancanti ma necessarie ai requisiti del progetto senza però snaturare o alterare il gameplay originale.
The player will have 1:30 minutes to slice as many points as possible by making combos and blitzes to maximize the final score. To complete the whole there are the original music and effects of the game trying to replicate the graphics in detail.
Fruit Ninja GL is based on OpenGL 4.6 Core Profile using the GLFW 3.3.2 library for context creation, window, input and event handling. The application was developed in C++ 20 in the Visual Studio 2019 environment.
During development we tried to remain as faithful as possible to the game in its original version released in 2010. Music, sounds, fonts and backgrounds are freely available on the net while the sprites and elements of the GUI have been reproduced using photoshop. (All created and used .psd
files are included with the assets.).
The 3D models of the fruits both in their whole and sliced versions are taken from one of the many Fruit packs available on the net.
The development of the game logic was based on the Entity Component System, a very common architectural pattern in game development.
All the main graphic primitives (of OpenGL and not) such as texture, mesh, model, shader or audio have been abstracted into specific classes to make their use more simple, immediate and convenient.
The rendering of the various objects is carried out using the various buffers (Vertex Array Object, Vertex Buffer Array, Index Buffer Array) and Shaders (Vertex and Fragment) of OpenGL. Different shaders have been implemented depending on the graphic element or how you want to draw it in the framebuffer.
The game engine is based on the Game State 'Stack', another very popular architectural pattern for managing the various possible game states (Loading, playng, pause, game over, ...).
Architecturally FruitNinjaGL is structured in five macro-modules each of which is responsible for managing a part of the application.
classes aimed at managing low-level OpenGL and non-OpenGL details.ecs/
implementation of ECS with components, systems and related entity management classes.logic/
details related to gameplay and game elements.utl/
utility or debug classes and functions.
The Database (Also called world, universe or enetity manager), as it is easy to guess from the name, has the task of create and manage the entities providing them with unique identifiers, keeping track of the components assigned to them and finally performing queries and searches for the systems. All while trying to maintain a data-oriented approach.
For example, let's create three entities e1
, e2
and e3
starting from an instance of a fn::Database db
in which the various components are already registered.
fn::Entity e1 = db.create();
fn::Entity e2 = db.create();
fn::Entity e3 = db.create();
The three entities are now empty and have no associated components.
A component can be added to a E::Entity
in two ways via the database
and its Eid
or via its methods.
// set attraverso E::Entity
e1.set<C::Position>({}); //Costruttore di default
e1.set<C::Movement>({ //Init list
.velocity=glm::vec3(1.5f, 3.6f, 9.1f),
.spin=glm::vec3(3.14f, -1.21f, -0.1f),
e1.set<C::Fruit>({ ... });
e2.set<C::Position>({}); //Costruttore di default
// set attraverso fn::Database
db.set<C::Position>(e3.Eid, {
.velocity=glm::vec3(1.5f, 3.6f, 9.1f),
.spin=glm::vec3(3.14f, -1.21f, -0.1f),
In the same way as for set
it is also possible to access components using the get
function. The returned value is always a pointer to the component. In addition it is also possible to access multiple components together, the value returned in this case is a std::tuple
of pointers.
// get di una singola componente
auto* p = e1.get<C::Position>();
// get di più componenti classico
auto t = e1.get<C::Position, C::Movement, C::Fruit>();
std::get<1>(t)->accelerate(...); //--> C::Movement
// get di più componenti con un-pack (c++17)
auto [p, m, f] = e1.get<C::Position, C::Movement, C::Fruit>();
m->accelerate(...); //--> C::Movement
In the same way as for get
you can check if an entity has one or more components using the has
bool a = e1.has<C::Movement, C::Fruit>(); //true
bool a = e2.has<C::Sprite>(); //false
Database queries can only be performed on a database object and in two ways:
- Using the
method which simply returns a vector, this (method is actually never used in practice.) of eid's that match the query. - Using the
method in combination with a lambda function that is applied to every entity that matches the query.
// (a) lambda sugli eid
db.for_each<C::Movement, C::Fruit>([](fn::Eid e){
// fai qualcosa con e
// (b) lambda sugli E::Entity
db.for_each<C::Fruit>([](E::Entity& e){
// fai qualcosa con e
// (c) lambda sui componenti
db.for_each<C::Position, C::Movement>([](C::Position& p,
C::Movement& m){
// fai qualcosa con p ed m
// (c) lambda sui componenti + E::Entity
db.for_each<C::Sprite>([](E::Entity& e, C::Sprite& s){
// fai qualcosa con e ed s