Adrien Michaud, Basile Seroul, Flavien Allix, Jérémy Braconnier, Paul Moccelin, Timothé Lacheroy
The goal of this project is to reproduce the Neo Bomberman game of 1970's. We have to use the raylib to make our own Game Engine. We have to use 3D object for players, walls, etc... and handle two local players with NPC controlled by ia.
Make sure that you have installed all the C and c++ libraries and raylib libraries, make sure that theses libraries path are set to windows environement table. It is recommanded that you install visual studio with c++ libraries, then add c++ libraries to windows path, then install cmake + raylib and add them to windows path. Finally install git bash, then you are good to go. This program has been tested and it is working fine on Windows 10 & 11 Windows 11 Compile Success : Windows 10 Compile + Gameplay :
Make sure you use the lastest version of your libraries and you have raylib installed
Go to the repo, then do the command : (use gitbash on windows)
cmake -B build/
Then, do
cmake --build build/
Once that done, on linux you should have your executable on the build folder. On windows, please move the executor from build/debug to buid/, otherwise textures will be blank!
- Adrien Michaud :
- Done the Core encapsulation
- Done the first menu
- Done change skin players
- Done Camera
- Basile Seroul :
- Done the Shape's encapsulation
- Done the setting's menu
- Windows compilation tests
- Done UI
- Flavien Allix :
- Done the Text's encapsulation
- Done the Tests;
- Done github workflow tests
- Done other windows OS testing
- Jérémy Braconnier :
- Done the Audio's encapsulation
- Done 3d model search
- Done player music selection
- Paul Moccelin :
- Done the Model's encapsulation
- Timothé Lacheroy :
- Done the Texture's encapsulation
- Done the map's class
- Done map display
- Done players actions (Movement, ...)
For testing, once the project as been build, go to the build directory then enter the command :
make test
This will do the tests automatically