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Sam Oates edited this page Nov 30, 2013 · 16 revisions

What is a Powerup?

A powerup can be attained by picking up an enchanted book whilst in a race. Powerups give the player additional abilities to help them in the race. A player can only have one powerup at a time, to attain a new one they must first use or drop their current powerup.

  • To use a powerup right click whilst the powerup icon is in your hand.
  • To drop a powerup, simply use your drop item key.

To set where powerups exist in your race you use the following command: /mk addpowerup

Types of Powerups

Effect you


Effect other players


Custom Powerup Format

  name: "Invisibility"  # custom name, to be displayed to players
  material: GLASS       # item a player gets given (
  amount: 1             # amount of the item given

Then add the specific type tag

Potion powerups

    apply: Self          # Who the potion applies to (Self, Others, Nearest, First)
    type: INVISIBILITY   # Potion type, using bukkit constant names (
    length: 12           # Length in seconds the potion is active
    level: 0             # The level of the potion, zero indexed (0 = level 1, etc.)
    damageeffect: None   # The custom damage effect to apply (see Damage Effects page)

Projectile powerups

    type: ARROW          # Entity type, using bukkit constant names (
    speed: -3            # The speed of the entity, negative numbers will go backwards
    damage: 2            # The number of hearts of damage to do when the projectile hits another jockey (-1 to do the default damage for the projectile type)
    damageeffect: None   # The custom damage effect to apply (see Damage Effects page)