Without these people, MyZ wouldn't be able to get anywhere. These guys are helping me bring you guys this plugin simply because they want to help. Big thanks go out to all of them.
Graphic Design:
- CraftySubZero
Website Owner:
- zeshan321
Are you a programmer?
- Yes: Fantastic! I would love to work with the community on this project. If you ever have an addition or a bugfix that you're just dying to fix, simply fork this repository and hack on it to your hearts content. Keep it neat though! Pull requests will be merged wherever possible. Of course, for recognition, add your name to the plugin YAML.
- No: No worries! You can still help out! See the Issues tab off to the right? If, in your adventures in MyZ, you ever find a bug, just hit that button and report it. Try to follow the sample issue though, or it might not be fixed.
Are you a long-term user/supporter of MyZ?
- Yes: By no means is it a requirement, but donations keep this project alive. If you want to support a hardworking high-school student, donation info can be found below.
- No: Just using MyZ means a lot to me. Prior to the 3.0 release, it has seen over 11,000 downloads. Stick around for awhile, I'm sure you'll love the gamemode.
Are you a skilled graphic designer/videographer?
- Yes: Any MyZ-related artwork that you send to webmaster@my-z.org, I will be sure to include either on http://My-Z.org or on the dev.bukkit page. Please don't use this for self-advertising though.
- No: Refer to the previous answer for No ;).
Are you a good builder?
- Yes: MyZ is making a map! Send any and all MyZ dedicated buildings to webmaster@my-z.org in WorldEdit .schematic form to be included in the official map.
- No: You're probably just not giving yourself enough credit.
PayPal: jordan.sicherman@brentwood.bc.ca
Include with your donation your server IP and port (if a public server) as well as your server name or your own Minecraft username (case sensitive) if you would like some sort of recognition for your support! No donation is too small.
- Donation: 0.99 CAD
- Server IP: (don't post your IP unless it's a PUBLIC server ie. no localhost/loopback address/internal IP)
- Server Name: MyCraft
- Username: MrTeePee
So far, here are the base features that haven't yet been added.
- Clan system rewrite
- Grave digging
- NPC's drop their death loot twice due to a Minecraft packet weirdness deal. The second set is a 'ghost' set (it can't be picked up) and will disappear after a relog. This is being investigated.
- Sometimes skeletons will be visible instead of NPCs. This can be solved by installing LibsDisguises.