Beta 8
What's New
- WIP plugin API implemented
- Tile windows by right clicking the tab background and selecting "Tile windows"
- Class window shows more editable fields
- UI config new name is
. Old name isrcoptions.json
. Renamed due to name not making sense since there are now multiple config files. - Members
- Add try-catches to methods if none were there already
- Method code can be run through a verifyer
- Method variables can now be accessed via the member context menu
- Inserting new methods and fields
- Opcodes
- Ability to move selected opcode(s) up or down in method code
- Support for inserting labels in method code
- Type of LDC content can be specified when inserting the opcode
- Opcode blocks
- Select and save opcodes, insert them anywhere
- Search
- Ability to specify regex in string searches
- Ability to specify exact match for all search types (As opposed to checking for value containment)
- Ability to search for constant numeric values in fields and method code
- Hitting enter/return in a text box now executes the search
What's Fixed
- Functionality
- Editing LDC content retains the initial type
- Wrong stack-frames auto-generated by ASM
- NPE related to auto-generating stack frames.
- Editing a field's default value no longer sets the value to a string type
- Removing large groups of opcodes is much much faster now
- UI / consistency
- Aligned more text-boxes to grid layout
- Fixed items appearing in non-alphabetical order in multiple components
- Decompilation opened exception tags despite decompilation being a success
- Array types not showing up properly in some opcodes
- Try-Catch editing window being too small
- Right clicking opcodes now selects whatever the mouse is over if there is no current selection