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Releases: Comcast/traffic_control


18 Oct 19:41
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Traffic Router 1.7 Java Requirement for Installation

Oracle JDK 8 update 92 is required for running Traffic Router
Download it by running the following commands
curl -L -b "oraclelicense=a" > jdk-8u92-linux-x64.rpm
rpm -i jdk-8u92-linux-x64.rpm
rpmquery jdk1.8.0_92
You should observe the following while running the last 2 commands from above:

# rpm -i jdk-8u92-linux-x64.rpm
Unpacking JAR files...
# rpmquery jdk1.8.0_92

Traffic Control Release 1.6.1

31 Aug 18:55
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Release Notes for Traffic Control 1.6.1

As always, a database backup before an upgrade is suggested.

Changes with Traffic Control 1.6.1

#1767 - Traffic Router 1.6.0 consistent hashing not working

Traffic Control Release 1.6.0

29 Jul 18:23
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Release Notes for Traffic Control 1.6.0

As always, a database backup before an upgrade is suggested.

Changes with Traffic Control 1.6.0

#129 - Traffic Ops postinstall should detect that an installation (configuration) already exists
#616 - Traffic Ops UI doesn't allow you to add regex_revalidate regexp's for ANY_MAP deliveryservices.
#716 - Content revalidation does not work in 2+ tier CDN.
#973 - TO API: Create Datasource Helper
#974 - TO: write script to import/export parameters from TO to Docker
#1013 - Minor updates to ToRTRCheck for 1.3.0 compatibility
#1067 - add Geolimit failure redirect feature (short for NGB)
#1107 - Test helper now deletes cachegroups wihout relying on order of ids
#1108 - Update Traffic Router to latest version of Spring Framework
#1124 - Tm pom cleanup
#1180 - Clean up docs for CDN_name parameter
#1201 - TO GO-Client Refactor, adds for Ansible
#1209 - Add Traffic Ops secure parameter
#1237 - Remove need for mod_ssl proxy
#1240 - delete server restful API
#1243 - Update create_ts_databases for influxdb 0.10 and greater
#1264 - delivery service restful API: create, edit and delete
#1268 - While attempting to regenerate SSL keys in Traffic Ops
#1279 - TO: parent.config in multi-site origin shows duplicate entries on each line
#1283 - added get_cookie check to random 60 seconds
#1284 - Traffic Router now runs as one application
#1286 - Traffic Router silently drops path delimiters on 302
#1288 - ADMIN_DOWN should also not cause parent_pending=1
#1300 - set default ssl session cache
#1302 - upsize parameter table field config_file
#1303 - TO: Server ip6 fields gets updated with "" instead of null
#1305 - POC: Add connection caching to TO
#1309 - For purge (invalidate content) use ttl_max_hours and ttl_min_hours parameters rather than hardcoded values
#1310 - add restful API: clone_siblings_ds
#1312 - 'location' parameter is not added for url_sig config files
#1316 - Cache state issue on traffic monitor
#1319 - add connection caching to TO
#1321 - Traffic Ops now can generate/re-generate keys for http/https DSs
#1323 - don't add ip6_address as empty string
#1327 - TS: updating Traffic Ops Client
#1328 - update TS to work with TO Client changes
#1329 - Client refactor
#1330 - RPM git short hash has one too many characters
#1332 - fix/user_api
#1333 - Spread out the ORT run better
#1334 - Add Traffic Ops dynamic volume number calculation
#1335 - don't allow an empty string to be passed in as ip6_address in the API
#1344 - Traffic Ops doesn't allow for active/standby configuration in Multi Site Origin.
#1346 - TO Client: Get rolename for users
#1348 - Add Traffic Ops logic to calculate volumes
#1352 - Increased the version specified in all pom.xml files across the project.
#1353 - Specified the correct version dependency for the jdk package.
#1357 - Purge requests automatically queue updates
#1359 - postinstall error message when profile defaults check fails is useless
#1360 - Fix TO postinstall profile check error message
#1366 - URIs in and other relative paths not working properly in all cases
#1374 - Update Traffic Stats tools
#1377 - add mso algorithm support on traffic ops
#1381 - Add experimental test frameworks
#1383 - Download the 0.11.1 version of influxdb client
#1385 - Warnings and errors when building docs
#1386 - TO: traffic_ops postinstall issue
#1388 - Traffic Monitor stats API in Traffic Ops fails to return large responses
#1390 - Feature/deliveryservice matches
#1391 - create_ts_databases creates two retention policies that write to the same measurement
#1392 - Fix issue where two CQs were writing to the same measurement.
#1394 - fixed deliveryservice match test case
#1398 - Traffic Router now provides the ability to delegate traffic to subordinate delivery services
#1400 - Reloading ATS on ip_allow.config change causes instability
#1403 - Add Traffic Ops delivery service geo limit country codes
#1405 - Update traffic_ops_server.js to include telegraf data
#1406 - OFFLINE/ONLINE buttons do not cause updates to be queued properly
#1415 - add enclosing block to avoid var masking warning
#1416 - create tmp file in same dir as conf
#1419 - only queue updates for servers that are part of the same CDN
#1425 - update sync_ts_databases to add new continuous query data and removed…
#1427 - Increased version of docs to 1.6-dev.
#1428 - add api for edit/delete cachegroup
#1431 - ops does not remove hdr_rw profile param when the ds is deleted
#1438 - Add steering support to Traffic Ops
#1439 - Add API for create/edit/delete CDN
#1440 - Add API: assign deliveryservices for servers in cachegroup
#1446 - Invalidate content TTL always set to ttl_min_hours value
#1452 - fixed an issue that caused not all filters to show up for a steering …
#1453 - Web dependencies point to invalid URLs
#1456 - Traffic Ops - complete Steering API and UI
#1463 - add deploy user role
#1464 - Remove TM unused domainname call
#1472 - TO: Config Parameters won't be created when adding a delivery service
#1475 - You can now enable ipv6 routing for STEERING delivery services
#1476 - Fallback coverage zone cache selection logic not factoring cache assignments into cache location selection
#1477 - Fix issue where /api/1.2/parameter/profile requests were failing if .json was on the URL
#1479 - Queue updates for an individual server doesn't work in UI
#1480 - Monitor - prevent concurrency issues in Statistics Log
#1484 - Traffic Router now only returns cache locations supported by given delivery service
#1485 - To steering api updates
#1489 - Traffic Router access log not logging TTL correctly
#1490 - TO: Server API create and update do not check network settings
#1492 - TO API: Provide the ability to return an optional message along with the response payload
#1493 - Traffic Router now logs TTLs in the access log
#1495 - TO API: Both types of users (local and non-local (ldap) should be able to make a new delivery service request
#1498 - Traffic Router not logging at INFO level across all modules
#1502 - Added documentation for steering delivery services.
#1506 - ldap users can now submit new delivery service requests just like "lo…
#1508 - removes old comments related to api routes
#1509 - TO: POST/PUT json body keys should be camelCase, not snake_case
#1514 - Password reset email contains a link to a page that doesn't exist
#1515 - TR now uses usec precision for ttms field of access log
#1520 - TO: Add GUID to server table
#1524 - Added a migration to increase the size of the config_file column of t…
#1528 - TO API: deliveryservice_stats.json?metricType=tps_total returns aggregate transactions not tps
#1532 - TO API: backend processes that are on the slower side trigger internal server errors
#1533 - inactivity_timeout setting in cdn.conf was never being respected
#1535 - Traffic Router not honoring offline.
#1539 - remove documentation on setting up ssl proxy as it is not needed
#1544 - change REST APIs parameter from snake_case to camelCase
#1545 - REST API snake_case to camelCase
#1548 - If TM doesn't get a valid DataPoint value from peer then default to false instead of empty string
#1549 - Traffic Router now logs INFO for all modules
#1550 - change POST/PUT server API json body keys to camelCase
#1551 - git short hash now has 8 characters instead of 9 in rpm names for TM and TR
#1554 - crconfig parameter consistency check
#1555 - Updated server scripted dashboard to include telegraf data
#1559 - TO: cdn.dnssec_enabled should not allow null values
#1560 - fixing cdn.dnssec_enabled field in the db
#1561 - fix cdn api
#1564 - TR fix potential bad index for list sublist call
#1565 - removing reference to cdn_name parameter
#1566 - Traffic Ops now queues updates for an individual server
#1567 - Purge cleanup
#1568 - Submit button for SSL Keys now shows correct text
#1569 - perltidy for the purge stuff
#1571 - Purge TTL parameters don't make sense and don't work.
#1572 - More purge cleanup. Fixes #1571
#1583 - TO: postinstall on new Centos 6.8 machine fails installing YAML
#1591 - Fix TR to continue if a DS regex is invalid.
#1596 - TO 1.6.0-RC4 - 'domain_name' config parameter gets dropped in CRConfig
#1597 - Adds config->domain_name back into the CRConfig. This resolves #1596.
#1600 - Adds config->domain_name back into the CRConfig. This resolves #1596.
#1607 - TO: JSON::PP version unavailable on clean machine install
#1613 - In Traffic Ops, Parameters > All Profiles takes forever to load
#1614 - masks secure parameters inline to improve performance - fixes #1613
#1615 - Speeds up parameters load
#1616 - Speeds up fetching of parameters
#1620 - TO: /var/log/traffic_ops/traffic_ops.log empty after upgrade

Traffic Control Release 1.5.1

25 May 17:10
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Release Notes for Traffic Control 1.5.1

As always, a database backup before an upgrade is suggested.

Changes with Traffic Control 1.5.1
#1409 - Fixed an issue that prevented updates from being queued on child when…
#1410 - Add Traffic Ops Geo Limit Country Codes
#1412 - Fix TO db migration comment breaking goose
#1417 - Fix TO Diff CRConfig to check Geolimit Countrycode
#1418 - Fix TO Diff CRConfig to check Geolimit Countrycode
#1420 - Backport -- Only queue updates for caches in the same CDN
#1437 - Bumped version of Traffic Router and Traffic Monitor to 1.5.1.

Traffic Control Release 1.5.0

16 May 21:38
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Release Notes for Traffic Control 1.5.0

As always, a database backup before an upgrade is suggested.

Changes with Traffic Control 1.5.0
#531 - Delivery service UI allows multiple regexes with the same order
#641 - Changing "Drop at Edge" Query String handling
#701 - Traffic controller integration with Neustar BFF
#818 - NET::CIDR not validating IPV6 addresses correctly.
#821 - Add cron entry that will clear out iso directory to install RPM
#853 - add support for regional geo-blocking
#927 - Initial dispersion changes not appearing in CRConfig diff
#941 - Fixes #928 - Checking for ldap users
#947 - Enable Traffic Ops for IPv6
#950 - TO: Server, edit, status, PRE_PROD shows twice
#986 - Remove redis graphs
#988 - Fixes issue #987 where zones for superdomains (top level domain) are …
#992 - Traffic Monitor now uses a separate classes for managing lists of state objects and statistics tracking
#994 - Add documentation for Traffic Router Event Log message format
#996 - Fix lat,long formatting in Traffic Router Access Log
#1006 - remove seelog dependency from traffic stats
#1008 - Make StateRegistry a proper generic class in Traffic Monitor
#1009 - Fix NPE in Traffic Monitor caused by not updating cache state object correctly
#1011 - check ds available, as requested ds may not exist
#1012 - update to use default value of 1 day instead of 7
#1015 - Change server connection logging to debug.
#1018 - Make TM exit when no config file is found
#1025 - Cleanup Traffic Monitor Config class and add tests for it
#1026 - Migrate http code for fetching astats out of CacheState class
#1027 - Get rid of reflection used by MonitorConfig in Traffic Monitor
#1028 - Traffic Monitor Peer class no longer relies on keeping hold of json data
#1031 - Traffic Monitor now correctly skips trying to remove old statistics when it doesn't have any
#1032 - Traffic Monitor, Clean up RouterConfig and add tests
#1033 - Traffic Monitor, clean up Cache class and add tests
#1034 - This updates traffic stats to use the new github repo for influxdb (
#1037 - Added tests for StatisticsLog class in Traffic Monitor
#1038 - Update mvn goals in TM and TR builds
#1039 - Traffic Monitor cleanup DataSummary class, add tests for it
#1040 - Traffic Monitor cleanup DataPoint class, add tests for it
#1049 - Prevent NPE in Traffic Monitor CrStates page if a cache's stats haven't been retrieved yet
#1051 - ORT: Remove initialized value complaints on plugin_config_file
#1052 - Workaround for ORT plugin without params
#1053 - Add cache type tag to records written to InfluxDB.
#1054 - Add cache type to Traffic Stats and Traffic Monitor; fixes a config file path issue and reduces logging.
#1056 - Reduce logging levels for unnecessary log messages
#1057 - Unable to run the test class "Start" to run Traffic Monitor locally during development
#1058 - Add data aggregation and filtering by cache type in Traffic Monitor
#1062 - Add new PG schema starting point
#1063 - traffic_ops postinstall process breaks on incorrect SSL pass phrase
#1067 - add Geolimit failure redirect feature (short for NGB)
#1068 - Traffic Router uses methods outside of Geolocation interface in application context
#1069 - influxdb_tools directory is not included in traffic_stats build
#1073 - Traffic monitor simulator crashes when no host header is present
#1077 - better logging when an error occurs trying to unmarshall stats json
#1080 - Router and Monitor poms have version value that can't be referenced by external maven projects
#1081 - Router and Monitor no longer require TRAFFIC_CONTROL_VERSION env var to run maven
#1082 - ConcurrentModificationException on Coverage Zone Update
#1083 - Swap the instance of NetworkNode only after the entire coverage zone …
#1087 - External Java projects can now depend on Traffic Router geolocation service
#1093 - Add Traffic Ops 2.0 service to get ATS configs
#1099 - Traffic Router now can support alternate GeoLocationService providers
#1116 - Infinite loop in ZoneManager's priming routine can prevent startup
#1118 - Traffic Stats scripted dashboard updates
#1132 - Modified Traffic Ops to allow server types that begin with EDGE or MI…
#1140 - Add Dockerfiles
#1142 - create new REST API
#1143 - Traffic Stats does not support HTTPS for influxdb
#1145 - always update IPv6 address and gateway
#1147 - RegionalGeoUpdater executes without configured polling URL
#1148 - Use of uninitialized value on missing domain
#1149 - Dockerfile fixes
#1151 - adds contributor
#1152 - Traffic Router, ZoneManager now creates auto zones directory if needed
#1153 - Fix TO to use MySQL host and port params
#1154 - Remove all references to redis since it is not being used anymore
#1157 - Add support for geolocation within the coverage zone file to improve routing accuracy
#1158 - Remove TO Dockerfile manual fixes
#1161 - Enable/Validate support for InfluxDb authentication
#1162 - add deliveryservice/{id} route
#1163 - Traffic Router, simplify property files
#1169 - Modified Traffic Ops to allow server types that begin with EDGE or MI…
#1172 - Ort connection keepalive
#1175 - Fixed use of uninitialized variable when HOSTNAME is not set properly…
#1177 - Fixed an issue that prevented dispersion changes from appearing in th…
#1178 - Return a 500 response if an Error is encountered in
#1184 - ConfigHandlerTest has errors when NGB redirect is not configured
#1186 - Stop service updater thread started by RegionalGeoUpdater
#1187 - Remove reference to old properties file in tests for DnsNameGenerator
#1188 - Add support for providing geolocation coordinates on a coverage zone entry to improve routing accuracy
#1194 - Fixes an issue where regexs can be specified with the same order when…
#1195 - TO 2.0 API error return fixes
#1197 - Added time to serve and user agent to the Traffic Ops access log.
#1202 - TO: Add per-delivery service geo provider
#1214 - Fix TO remap rules for nonstandard ports
#1217 - Fix TO duplicate PRE_PROD on new install
#1221 - Fix TO postinstall to retry failed openssl calls
#1228 - Added new endpoint to delivery delivery service matches for Traffic Logs
#1229 - Traffic Router supports different geolocation service providers per Delivery Service
#1231 - Revert a change to ip_allow.config and add two remaining RFC 1918 ranges by default.
#1232 - Added InfluxDb tools to RPM build
#1234 - Updated InfluxDb tools to support username/password auth
#1235 - Update docs based on changes for auth
#1241 - Added York Ma
#1242 - fix line-ending in CON
#1244 - Generation of health JSON now depends upon types instead of profiles.
#1245 - Remove noisyness from ConfigHandlerTest
#1246 - remove unused imports
#1247 - Array index out of bounds exception on invalid HOST regex
#1248 - Fixes an issue where an invalid HOST regex on a delivery service conf…
#1249 - Traffic Monitor displays page not found in popup window for cache details after 5 seconds
#1250 - remove ip6_address of the second server fail
#1252 - added traffic_stats to website index page
#1253 - Traffic Ops should always assign a volume to each drive in ATS's storage.config
#1254 - added optional cron entry to clean iso install files older than 7 days.
#1255 - Always insert a 'volume=x' parameter into storage.config
#1259 - ORT: handle case where remap.config plugin has no config file
#1260 - ORT: handle case where plugin has no config file. fixes #1259.
#1262 - Fixed an issue where data was getting written to DS stats with cachegroup = 'EDGE'
#1265 - TO: ORT doesn't check for content length on 4th retry
#1266 - Check for proper Content-Length on final retry. Fixes #1265.
#1277 - Updated Traffic Stats to handle DS Type data
#1304 - Non-performant code causing purge (invalidate content) api to timeout
#1322 - BACKPORT: Traffic Ops now can generate/re-generate keys for http/https DSs
#1324 - BACKPORT - don't add ip6_address as empty string
#1339 - 1.5.0: Traffic monitor looks for HOSTNAME in /etc/sysconfig/network
#1361 - Update TO default profiles for 1.5
#1362 - Update TO default profiles for 1.5
#1363 - Spread out the ORT run better
#1373 - Traffic Router downloads Neustar data 4 times at startup
#1382 - Traffic Stats - 1.5.0 RC2 daily summary not working
#1384 - Download the 0.11.1 version of influxdb client

Traffic Control Release 1.4.3

24 Mar 15:57
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#1213 - fix #1191 right this time. Sorry.

Traffic Control Release 1.4.2

23 Mar 01:37
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Release Notes for Traffic Control 1.4.2
As always, a database backup before an upgrade is suggested.

#1191 - always get parents="" in multi site origin config on mids.
#1196 - ip_allow.config too slow to generate
#1198 - Added time to serve and user agent to the Traffic Ops access log and improved performance of generation of ip_allow.config
#1204 - Postinstall prompts for admin user and pass on every run
#1205 - Fix postinstall prompting for TO user every time
#1206 - Fix postinstall prompting for TO user every time

Traffic Control Release 1.4.1

23 Mar 01:02
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Release Notes for Traffic Control 1.4.1
As always, a database backup before an upgrade is suggested.

Bug fixes:

#1156 - Traffic Ops Delivery Service change for Max DNS requests returns to 0
#1168 - TO returns HTTP 200 with invalid contents when no Riak servers are online or available
#1181 - BACKPORT - Return a 500 response if an Error is encountered in
#1182 - fix deliveryservice type references
#1183 - BACKPORT - ORT connection keep-alive

Traffic Control Release 1.4.0

14 Mar 16:09
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Release Notes for Traffic Control 1.4.0

As always, a database backup before an upgrade is suggested.


Traffic Ops

  • Tons of bug fixes and stabilization
  • Hardware tab is now using pagination
  • Second Parent Selection is now implemented for parent.config

Traffic Router/Monitor

  • Bug Fixes

Traffic Stats

  • Updated Traffic Stats to use InfluxDB v2 client – This requires at least version 0.9.6 of InfluxDB.
  • TrafficOps now uses TrafficStats data for Daily Summary. See Traffic Stats documentation for how to configure.
  • Created InfluxDb tools to create and sync databases, against see documentation for more info.

Changes with Traffic Control 1.4.0

#192 - RHEL/CentOS 6.6+ cacerts certificate installation error
#246 - Missing CDN_name parameter causes API call to break
#561 - Email validation in invalidates "good" email addresses
#616 - Traffic Ops UI doesn't allow you to add regex_revalidate regexp's for ANY_MAP deliveryservices.
#668 - CDN "ALL" is default, But only applicable to certain components
#669 - Traffic Monitor 1.2.1 Exception without Delivery Services.
#671 - Delivery Service defaults to can "ALL"
#727 - syncds and Query String Handling bug
#794 - TO: warnings in deliveryservice.t unit test
#804 - use $traffic_control.version for traffic_router version
#806 - TO: /api/{version}/asns.json has superfluous top-level key
#807 - fix exec permissions in rpm; add check for rpmbuild
#811 - CNAMEs do not validate with DNSSEC
#812 - Update Traffic Ops to use Daily Summary graph from InfluxDb/Grafana
#815 - Edit user screen close button saves changes
#816 - remove jmenu entries -- were removed from original source repo
#823 - Parameter edit screen saves value on cancel
#825 - TO: Should enumerate all origins separately in parent.config
#828 - /api/version/user/reset_password does not work when multiple users have the same email address
#830 - add missing jmenu files; remove from .gitignore
#832 - Can't call method "type" on an undefined value at /opt/traffic_ops/app/lib/UI/ line 853.
#841 - Override SOA TTL in authority section for non-DNSSEC requests resulting in negative response (NXDOMAIN)
#845 - Missing row entries for content invalidation
#850 - Updating a user to have a username that is already used results in fatal error
#855 - Clean install profiles are out of date and incomplete.
#856 - Network coverage zone has issues with some overlapped subnets
#859 - Traffic Ops hardware Tab fails to populate when there are too many rows returned
#862 - Error when importing profile
#863 - The API @ /api/1.2/hwinfo.json will fail with an empty reply from the server when too many rows are returned
#875 - Build process shouldn't 'go get' the influxdb client
#878 - Purge JOB API allowed dsId to be NULL
#882 - Traffic Router not logging request IP correctly when overridden using a header
#884 - Add New Delivery Service crash on duplicate info
#893 - Error when running download_web_deps
#900 - Traffic Monitor Logging and Timestamps
#926 - Scripts for Creating and Syncing Traffic Stats Databases
#928 - /api/$version/user/current.json is not compatible with ldap
#931 - fixes #900
#932 - Traffic Monitor upgrades don't properly expunge exploded webapps/ROOT directory
#933 - Add post uninstall step that removes old exploded ROOT.war directory
#934 - TO: fatal error selecting cache group details
#938 - TO: missing good.csv on updateservercsv
#942 - Speed up display of the Servers Page
#948 - Error when adding a 'purge'
#949 - Remove prefetch, since it breaks with newer mysql/DBIx
#951 - use ref for hash value
#952 - Fix for Issue #938 - added back good.csv
#956 - Upgrade Traffic Stats to use v2 client for InfluxDb
#961 - Fixes #960 - sets new_user to 0 on user update
#963 - Fixes an issue where cacerts is not located properly in with some OS/JDK combinations.
#965 - Remove unused UI code from Traffic Monitor
#966 - Updated Traffic Stats to use v2 version of Influxdb Client
#967 - updated spec file to version for influxdb
#969 - revert change only to create_table.sql
#976 - Updated scripted dashboards to use continuous queries
#977 - TO: write script to import/export parameters from TO PostInstall
#985 - remove link to redis graphs
#987 - Zones for superdomains not generated when configured only with DNS delivery services
#990 - Traffic Ops postinstall fails to add user to SQL
#997 - Fix formatting of lat,long in traffic router access log
#1000 - Health -> Graph View -- Stats not refreshing
#1001 - fixed issue with stats not refreshing.
#1002 - fixed issue with stats not refreshing.
#1003 - fixed issue with stats not refreshing.
#1004 - Traffic Stats 1.4.0RC0 - Out of memory issues
#1007 - Put chunking back in to address OOM issues
#1016 - Traffic Ops install profile parameter for Traffic Monitor location is incorrect
#1017 - Fix Traffic Ops install profile param
#1024 - Traffic Stats not closing file handles
#1029 - fixed issue of http connections being opened and not closed
#1035 - changes due to influxdb moving their github repo
#1036 - Add details
#1041 - Update mvn goals in TR and TM build script
#1059 - RELEASE1.4.0-RC4 - Traffic Ops installs two migrations with the same name
#1074 - Error when updating a deliveryservice
#1078 - Change Traffic Ops volume.config so percentages to sum to 100%, and add SSD volume support
#1084 - Swap the instance of NetworkNode only after the entire coverage zone …
#1095 - Traffic Ops postinstall creates default profiles and parameters on upgrade
#1100 - Fix postinstall to not create defaults on upgrade

Traffic Control Release 1.3.0

01 Feb 16:19
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Release Notes for Traffic Control 1.3.0

The post-install has been cleaned up. As always, a database backup before an upgrade is suggested.

CDN_name migration

If you upgrade from a pre-1.2.0 release, there is a migration from the profile parameter CDN_name to the cdn table. This also means that if a profile didn't have a CDN_name, some components won't show on the UI. Make sure that all profiles in use have a CDN_name parameter prior to upgrade.

In the event where the CDN_name wasn't part of the parameter, you will need to update the servers table with the proper cdn_id.

Content Revalidation

The revalidation feature doesn't work out of the box. The entry id=1 in the job_agent table MUST exist as well as name=PURGE must be present in the job_status table.

Known issues

  • The profiles included in the release for MID caches are not complete or don't work. See #855.
  • A CDN MUST have a Mid cache in release 1.3.0. See #943.
  • To generate a top level domain configuration, a CDN MUST have both a DNS and HTTP Delivery service. See #987. Service, top level domain zone not created
  • ORT - Regex Remap Text not handled. See #968.
  • The RNAME for the SOA record can be configured in Traffic Ops by setting the 'tld.soa.admin' parameter on the Traffic Router profile (e.g. This is backwards compatible so if an email address is not entered it will work as it does currently.
  • The Request Headers you wish to log can be configured at a delivery service or global (CDN) level.
    • To configure at the CDN level, create a parameter called 'LogRequestHeaders' where config file value is 'CRConfig.json' and value is the headers you wish to log separated by RETURN (e.g. 'Accept RETURN Content-Type')
    • To configure at the Delivery Service level, edit the delivery service and set the 'Traffic Router Log Request Headers' field equal to the headers you wish to log separated by RETURN (e.g. 'Accept RETURN Content-Type')
  • Federations Polling Stats are now available in the 'updateTracker' section of css stats: (http://:3333/crs/stats)
  • Federation location information is now available via the crs/stats/ip/:ipAddress API: (http://:3333/crs/stats/ip/)
  • Static Zone and Dynamic Zone cache (Google Guava cache) stats are now available via the following API: (http://:3333/crs/stats/zones/caches)
  • In order to support the new build process, you will need to set a TRAFFIC_CONTROL_VERSION environment variable before running maven in Traffic Router and Traffic Monitor (e.g. export TRAFFIC_CONTROL_VERSION=foo && mvn clean verify)
  • Other parameters:
    • The SOA minimum for the TLD is now propagated to Delivery Services. This value should be set to 30 seconds so that in the case of a NXDOMAIN, the negative response is only cached for 30 seconds.

      tld.soa.minimum CRConfig.json 30

To configure federations, configure the following parameters in Traffic Ops:

federationmapping.polling.url     CRConfig.json     https://${toHostname}/internal/api/1.2/federations.json
federationmapping.polling.interval     CRConfig.json     30000 (30 seconds)

update the following ttys (as part of DNSSEC) :

tld.ttls.DNSKEY   CRConfig.json     30
tld.ttls.DS     CRConfig.json     30

for guava cache:

zonemanager.cache.maintenance.interval     CRConfig.json     300
keystore.maintenance.interval                CRConfig.json        300
dnssec.dynamic.response.expiration            CRConfig.json        300s    <-- note that is 300s, the trailing "s" is 100% necessary here


consistent.dns.routing     CRConfig.json     true (default is false)
dynamic.cache.primer.enabled     CRConfig.json     true (default is true)
dynamic.cache.primer.limit     CRConfig.json     1000 (default is 500)
dnssec.allow.expired.keys     CRConfig.json     true (default is true)
keystore.api.url     CRConfig.json     true (default is https://${toHostname}/api/1.1/cdns/name/${cdnName}/dnsseckeys.json)
api.auth.url     CRConfig.json     true (default is https://${toHostname}/api/1.1/user/login) 

Changes to properties files:
Properties files:
    Remove dns.sec.keyserver.username
    Remove dns.sec.keyserver.password
    Modify traffic_ops.password=FIXME

Changes with Traffic Control 1.3.0

#53 - Expose edge fqdn and edge alias fqdn(s) for a delivery service through the traffic ops api
#196 - Traffic Router sends NXDOMAIN for when no caches are assigned to the delivery service
#607 - Enabling bond0 on servers requires Traffic Monitor restart
#619 - Add licenses
#634 - Upped version to match next release.
#655 - Redirect stdout and stderr to a log file
#657 - Remove reference to repo
#715 - Content revalidation does not work for "ANY_MAP" deliveryservice.
#800 - Postinstall fails due to unreachable web dependancies (jMenu)
#809 - check for rpmbuild; fix .pl permissions in rpm
#813 - update traffic_router version using env rather than property on cmd line
#817 - remove jmenu entries -- were removed from original source repo
#826 - Backport of changes in master to 1.3.x.
#831 - add missing jmenu files; remove from .gitignore
#839 - Regression: token not being set when submitting a password reset request
#844 - Fixes #839 - regression bug
#848 - Exclude unnecessary transitive dependency wicket-atmosphere from Traffic Monitor
#911 - Traffic Router and Ops backports from master for 1.3.0 RC4 for DNSSEC related bug fixes.
#914 - Backport of bug fix for NetworkNode not correctly dealing with overlapping subnets, which resolves #856.
#918 - set influxdb to specific version ; correct capitalization of Comcast …
#921 - Background DNSSEC key refresh changes
#930 - Fixes an issue where forked processes become defunct rather than exit…
#957 - use ref for hash value