Clicker Game with Popcorn Theme
- Clone the repo
$ git clone
- ...then move into the directory of course
$ cd CornClicker/
- Install the dependencies with
$ npm install
- Start the server with
$ npm start
- Navigate to http://localhost:3333
As a user, …
- When i click on a (static) kernel, a popcorn is created and flys off
- when i create a popcorn, i get one point
- My points accumulate and are saved
- I can use points to buy bonuses including teenagers, kettles and theatres.
- I can use 1000 points to buy something to double the kernel output (one click = two popcorns)
- I can save my game (points are saved)
- When I refresh the page in my browser, points, upgrades, and prices are reloaded from the last point in the game
- I can reset the game
- UI/UX: 100pts
- Good variable and function names: 50pts
- All code is formatted well: 50pts
- Good file organization: 50pts
- Code is well organized: 100pts