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Releases: Computational-Nonlinear-Optics-ORC/Single-mode-FOPO

Python version lock

07 Jan 16:34
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Python is locked to version 3.6 for the time being to avoid compatibility errors.

High resolution SM-FOPO with BNLSE

20 Nov 15:46
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The Fibre oscillator code has had large changes between version 1.0 and 2.0.
The main ones are:

  • Update the SM-GNLSE to the 7-band BNLSE. This allows very small frequency resolutions around the signals and idlers
  • Cython is used completely for the pulse propagation part
  • MKL libraries are used to compile FFT's and Cython. Highly accelerated because of this

High resolution FOPO

20 Nov 15:40
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The Fibre oscillator code has had large changes between version 1.0 and 2.0.
The main ones are:

  • Update the SM-GNLSE to the 7 band BNLSE. This allows very small frequency resolutions around the signals and idlers
  • Cython is used completely for the pulse propagation part
  • MKL libraries are used to compile fft's and Cython. Highly accelerated because of this