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GitHub workflow in a nutshell
In order to work with SCPonGPU and develop the code, you need to use GitHub.
There are several tutorials on how to use GitHub addressing beginners to experts.
In case you are a beginner, this workflow in a nutshell will walk you through the steps necessairy to get working.
First of all you will need a GitHub account and set up the git configuration in your working environement.
Fork SCPonGPU on GitHub, by clicking Fork on the upper right corner and choosing your account.
create local copy on your machine:
git clone git@github.com:<YourUserName>/scpongpu.git
- go into the directory of the new repository
cd scpongpu
- add the ComputationalRadiationPhysics/scpongpu respository for updates
git remote add mainline git@github.com:ComputationalRadiationPhysics/scpongpu.git
- switch to our (now your) dev branch to start
git checkout dev
- Check what branches are available:
git branch
- Choose a specific branch
git checkout <branchName>
- go to dev branch
git checkout dev
- create your new branch and check it out
git checkout -b <nameOfNewBranch>
work on the code: change, delete and add files
Check status of your branch
git status
- add changes to your branch
git add <yourChangedFiles>
- commit your changes to your local branch (on your machine)
git commit
this requires that you specified an editor beforehand
for example set up emacs in your ~/.profile
export EDITOR=emacs
- update your repoitory with the changes pushed to our dev branch
git pull --rebase mainline dev
- push your local branch copy to your GitHub profile
git push -u origin <nameOfYourBranch>
- Go to
and open a pull request.
always push to our dev branch, never to the master branch (default)
In case improvments are required, update your local copy and push the changes to your GitHub profile again until your pull request is accepted.
If you want, delete your brach localy and on your GitHub profile.
# delete remote branch
git push origin --delete <branchName>
# delete local branch
git branch -D <branchName>
- When you added many branches and deleted them both on the remote
as well as the local repository, the local reposity still remembers the no longer existing branches in autocomplete. In order to update the autocomplete list, do:
git fetch --prune origin
In order to make clean pull requests, that do not depend on your every day commits, but combine commits in a meaningfull way, you can squash your commits.
- Have a look at you commits, starting from the branching. A short representation of your commits can be generated via:
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --first-parent
- Then, you can rebase your branch satring from the branching point (here, as an axample
git rebase -i e1ba799
The flag -i
stands for interactive.
Your favorit editor is opend and lets you reorder your pull requests. By replacing
you can combine several commits to one. -
After saving, you run through the update process of the commit massages of your newly combined commits. Save each message untill no more commits are left.
Then you can push the reorderd branch to your repository.
git push -u -f origin NameOfBranch
The force flag -f
is essential since the order of your previous commits will be changed.
For more information, see http://davidwalsh.name/squash-commits-git.
Assume that you are the assigned developer to verify a proposed pull-request from another developer. You can read the changes code lines and mark mistakes directly on GitHub. But sometimes this is not enough and you need to run the new code yourself. You could create a new repository pointing to the SCPonGPU repository of the other developer, check out his/her code, compile and test it and than delete everything. But there is a simpler way to access the code of a pull-request directly. By:
git fetch mainline refs/pull/PULLREQUEST_NUMBER/head:NAME_OF_NEW_LOCAL_BRANCH
you check out the code of the pull request PULLREQUEST_NUMBER
and put it in a new local branch named NAME_OF_NEW_LOCAL_BRANCH
Then you can run the code of the pull request and delete the branch if you are done.
I found this usefull approach here.