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Releases: Concordium/concordium-grpc-api

GRPC API for node version 8.0

30 Jan 10:32
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This release supports protocol version 8. In particular, it supports events and data relating to validator suspension. It also adds new endpoints supported in version 8.0 of the Concordium node.


  • Extend ProtocolVersion enum with a protocol version 8 variant PROTOCOL_VERSION_8.
  • Support for changes related to validator suspension in protocol version 8:
    • Added BakerSuspended, BakerResumed message types and corresponding
      events to BakerEvent.
    • Added validator_suspended and validator_primed_for_suspension cases
      for BlockSpecialEvent.
    • Extended PoolCurrentPaydayInfo and PoolInfoResponse.
  • Add GetConsensusDetailedStatus endpoint for querying detailed consensus
    status information.
  • Add GetScheduledReleaseAccounts endpoint for querying the list of accounts that
    have scheduled releases.
  • Add GetCooldownAccounts, GetPreCooldownAccounts and GetPrePreCooldownAccounts
    endpoints for querying the lists of accounts that have pending cooldowns in protocol
    version 7 onwards.
  • Add parameter field to ContractInitializedEvent containing the parameter passed
    to the contract initializer.
  • Add chain parameters v3 with the new ValidatorScoreParameters parameters.
  • Add validator_score_parameters to NextUpdateSequenceNumbers.

GRPC API for node version 7.0

26 Aug 14:08
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This release supports protocol version 7. In particular, the behavior of stake cooldown (resulting from reducing the stake of a baker or delegator) is different.


  • Extend ProtocolVersion enum with a protocol version 7 variant PROTOCOL_VERSION_7.
  • Support for changes to cooldown behavior in protocol version 7:
    • AccountInfo has a new repeated cooldowns field. Each Cooldown records
      the amount, (expected) release time and whether it's a regular cooldown,
      pre-cooldown or pre-pre-cooldown.
    • AccountInfo now includes available_balance. This is included since the
      method for calculating it has changed (it now must account for the
      cooldowns), so this is provided as a convenience.
    • PoolInfoResponse is revised to make the fields equity_capital,
      delegated_capital, delegated_capital_cap and pool_info optional. This
      is since in protocol 7 a validator can be unregistered, but still part of the
      current epoch validators.
    • BakerEvent now has an additional case delegation_removed, as configuring a baker can
      result in a delegator being removed (from protocol 7).
    • DelegationEvent now has an additional case baker_removed, as configuring a delegator
      can result in a baker being removed (from protocol 7).

GRPC API for node version 6.2

30 Nov 10:14
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This release adds a new DryRun endpoint for simulating transaction execution, and removes the legacy V1 API.


GRPC API for node version 6.1

06 Nov 21:15
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This release adds new endpoints and amends the response of GetPoolInfo response.

This is the API implemented by node version 6.1.7.


  • Add GetBakersRewardPeriod endpoint.
  • Add GetBlockCertificates endpoint.
  • Add GetBakerEarliestWinTime endpoint.
  • Add GetWinningBakersEpoch endpoint.
  • Add GetFirstBlockEpoch endpoint.
  • Add a CommissionRates field for PoolCurrentPaydayInfo.

GRPC API for node version 6.0

13 Aug 11:04
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GRPC API for node version 6 and protocol version 6.


  • Expand BlockHashInput to support querying by block height.
  • Add protocol_version to the return of BlockInfo.
  • Make slot_duration optional in ConsensusInfo.
  • Add optional fields current_timeout_duration, current_round, current_epoch,
    and trigger_block_time to ConsensusInfo.
  • Make slot_number optional in BlockInfo.
  • Add optional fields round and epoch to BlockInfo.
  • Make election_difficulty optional in ElectionInfo.

GRPC API for node version 5.0

29 Jan 15:23
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Support for protocol version 5.