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Software developed at the CosmoStat lab at CEA Paris-Saclay.

Basic installation

The package can be installed with pip as follows.

python -m pip install .


This package installs Sparse2D as a backend, which requires the follow dependencies.

macOS Set Up

To install the package requirements on macOS, it is recommended to use Homebrew.

brew tap sfarrens/sf
brew install armadillo bigmac cfitsio fftw gsl healpix libomp

Ubuntu Set Up

To install the package requirements on Ubuntu, it is recommended to use apt.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libarmadillo-dev libcfitsio-dev libfftw3-dev libgsl-dev libhealpix-cxx-dev pkg-config

Docker installation

Pull the Docker image

If you have Docker installed, you can pull the latest build of the CosmoStat image as follows:

docker pull

No further installation is required.

Run a Docker container

To run a container on data in your current working directory, simply run:

docker run -v ${PWD}:/workdir --rm

The reference to ${PWD} can be replaced by the path to any directory on your system.

Additionally, you can run a Sparse2D executables dirextly from the image. For example, to run a bspline wavelet transform on a FITS image called myfile.fits you would run:

docker run -v ${PWD}:/workdir --rm mr_transform -t 2 myfile.fits

Tip: If you don't want to constantly write the full Docker run command you can create an alias e.g.:

alias cosmostat="docker run -v ${PWD}:/workdir --rm"

then you can simply run e.g.:

cosmostat mr_transform -h

Launch a Jupyter notebook

You can also run a Jupyter notebook with a Docker container as the backend in order to use the cosmostat package.

docker run -p 8888:8888 -v ${PWD}:/workdir --rm notebook