Minimum score now editable
NZBVortex status checking support
Search for movies outside ETA, but don't autodownload
Search hanging on some providers, because of redirection loop (nzbcrawler etc)
Improved scoring for shitty qualities (who watches cams in 1080p anyway?)
Don't rename 2 cd release to same file
Movies moves back to wanted when already done
Transmission gave error when torrent already in the list
Transmission https support
Encoding fixes
API documentation and fixes
Blu-Ray.com backlog not working
Renamer already running should be fixed now
Database index fixes
Improved html parsing on torrent providers
Force IE on latest render engine
Optimized tmdb calls
Don't load charts when tab isn't open
Removed NZBIndex provider as 90% of the time it gave 50x errors
Migration improvements
Don't show XBMC errors when machine is turned off