is the brand new version of the croncat agent, written in Rust.
The executable agent daemon.croncat
All the pieces to build an agent daemon.
cargo install rusty-hook cargo-make
rusty-hook init
$ cargo run help
croncatd 0.3.0
The croncat agent daemon.
-d, --debug Debug mode
-h, --help Prints help information
--no-frills Whether to print nice little things like the banner and a goodbye
-V, --version Prints version information
--agent <agent> ID of the agent config to use [env: CRONCAT_AGENT=] [default: agent]
--chain-id <chain-id> Chain ID of the chain to connect to [env: CRONCAT_CHAIN_ID=uni-6]
all-tasks Get contract's state Show all task(s) information
generate-mnemonic Generates a new keypair and agent account (good first step)
get-agent-keys [SENSITIVE!] Shows all details about agents on this machine
get-tasks Get the agent's tasks they're assigned to fulfill
go Starts the Croncat agent, allowing it to fulfill tasks
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list-accounts Get the agent's supported bech32 accounts
register Registers an agent, placing them in the pending queue unless it's the first agent
send Send funds from the agent account to another account
setup-service Setup an agent as a system service (systemd)
status Get the agent's status (pending/active)
unregister Unregisters the agent from being in the queue with other agents
update Update the agent's configuration
withdraw Withdraw the agent's funds to the payable account ID
$ cargo run -- --debug status
cargo doc --no-deps
- Set a contract address for each chain in config.yaml
- Add agent into local keystore
## Generate for a specific network
## "mainnet" gives a namespace to a key/pair.
## It is advised to create separate keys for mainnet/testnet
cargo run generate-mnemonic mainnet
## Another way to load key/pair
cargo run generate-mnemonic mainnet --mnemonic "olive soup parade family educate congress hurt dwarf mom this position hungry unaware aunt swamp sunny analyst wrestle fashion main knife start coffee air"
export CRONCAT_CHAIN_ID=uni-6
export CRONCAT_AGENT=mainnet
cargo run register
cargo run go
After a while, time to claim some rewards if you've been actively processing tasks!
# Check if you have any rewards, see "Earned Rewards"
# NOTE: Also shows how much balance your agent has for processing txns
cargo run status
# Claim rewards
cargo run withdraw
Maybe you wanna send claimed rewards elsewhere, simple command for this! Just make sure you leave funds for the agent to sign txn fees...
cargo run send juno1x4uaf...8q8jdraaqj 10 ujunox
factory: juno1x4uaf50flf6af8jpean8ruu8q8jdraaqj7e3gg3wemqm5cdw040qk982ec
gas_prices: 0.04
gas_adjustment: 1.3
rpc_timeout: 9.0
include_evented_tasks: false
"Cats R US ๐":
- Please see
- Please see
For clearing the latest local cache of chain registry, rm -rf .cosmos-chain-registry
, then build.