A simple dashboard web app built on top of ReactJS.
Welcome to CompanyHub, a dynamic and collaborative platform designed to streamline and enhance your company's workflow and communication. This project is dedicated to empowering businesses of all sizes by providing a comprehensive suite of tools and features that facilitate efficient project management, seamless team collaboration, and effective communication.
Whether you're a startup striving for growth, a mid-sized company aiming for efficiency, or an enterprise seeking to optimize operations, CompanyHub is your reliable companion. Join us on this exciting journey to revolutionize how businesses collaborate, communicate, and succeed. Explore the potential of CompanyHub today and transform the way you work together.
To install and run this project, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Cunegundess/CompanyHub.git
Go to the project directory:
cd CompanyHub
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:5173 in your browser to see the dashboard.
The dashboard displays some information about clients and documentation about the clients activity.
You can navigate to the 'Clientes' and 'Docs' sections through the navbar at the top of the page.
Lucas Cunegundes - LinkedIn - lucascsantana6@gmail.com