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MEAN boilerplate with Gulp tasks to optimize development


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Gulp MEAN project starter


NPM dependencies install:

Open the terminal, go to the project's path and:

$ npm install

Note: for Mac users make sure x-code is previously installed or execute

$ xcode-select --install

Run server:


In one terminal instance:

$ mongod --dbpath /path/to/mongo/db

Into a second terminal instance and after reaching the project's path, you will be able to execute Gulp tasks:

Gulp Tasks:


Concat two different streams into a final CSS file:

  • Destination: public/css/main.css
  • Task dependency: ng-templates task

cssStream Stream with all the *.css files from dependencies folder (ex. animate.css)

sassStream Stream which takes all *.scss files from src/scss through main.scss

Execution 😁

$ gulp sass


Concat all JS files coming whether from npm_modules and src/js:

  • Destination: public/js/all.js
  • Task dependency: ng-templates task

Execution 😁

$ gulp scripts


Searches for all angular html templates at src and compiles them into an angular module with templateCache:

  • Destination: src/js/templates.js

Execution 😁

$ gulp ng-templates


Export icon font files to the public folder for development:

  • Destination: public/fonts/[font-folder-name]

Note: so far only exports Font Awesome but can be configured to also Bootstrap Glyphicons or another third-party library.

Execution 😁

$ gulp icons


Concat two different streams that compress and exports images:

  • Destination: public/img/

jpgPngStream Process all *.{png,jpg,jpeg} files using TinyPNG API only if those images not listed into a public/img/.tinypng-sigs. Since the free account has a monthly limit is a good advantage for developers that work daily on the project.

svgStream Process all *.svg files using SVGmin.

Execution 😁

$ gulp images


Export index.html layout:

  • Destination: public/

Execution 😁

$ gulp layout


This task is only a wrapper for sass, scripts, images, layout and icons tasks. Is used in two different tasks: default and build

Execution 😁

$ gulp dependencies


After running dependencies moves all important files into a build folder by minifying all HTML, CSS and JS (uglifying the last one). This task run in three different streams:

publicStream Every file from public is exported to build/public

appStream app.js, config.js and package.json are exported to build

apiStream Every file inside api folder is exported to build/api

Note: This is the task you would execute when you need to deliver the project to the client

Execution 😁

$ gulp build


Maybe the most important task for development process. It executes dependencies and right after sets a few things:

Server Opens a communication with app.js to use Express with MongoDB. The environment is already set as env: {NODE_ENV: 'development'} so Livereleoad will be active (along with other development mode dependencies).


  • *.scss files at src. Runs sass task after a change
  • *.js files at src and *.html files at src. Runs scripts task after a change
  • index.html file at src. Runs layout task after a change
  • *.html, *.scss and *.js files within ./public to notify the server and reload the page (for CSS the Livereleoad only overrides the stylesheet)
  • app.js, config.js and **/*.js inside api to reload the server if any change is performed.

Note: This is the task you would execute when you want to run the app

Execution 😁

$ gulp


Form handler


Send email to MongoDB (gulp_mean DB - forms Collection)

  • '_id': Object,
  • 'timestamp': String,
  • 'name': String,
  • 'email': String,
  • 'location': String,
  • 'twitter_user': String,
  • 'comment': String


Form Mail (aka Form)

This directive is a wrapper for every form developers want to config. It can be called whether as an Element E or Attribute A.

Directive template file: form.directive.html

Layout sample:

<div data-form-mail 
     data-name="[form name]"
     data-submit-text="[form submit button text]"


  • Callback: scoped &, function executed on form submit through ng-submit. It receives no arguments
  • Status: scoped =, receives the callback status from the controller. The outputs are success or error. Used for the callback messages styles
  • Message: scoped =, receives the callback message from the server and prints it into the form
  • Loading: scoped =isLoading, brings the loading status from the controller to collaborate with the UX. If is loading, the button will be disabled and a loading icon will be shown
  • Submit: scoped @submitText, is the form's button text
  • Name: scoped =, passing a controller property in the form's name (used for Angular built in validations even when server responses that are missing or invalid fields)

Form Mail Field (aka Field)

This directive is used to print a form field. By default will be an <input> but you can set it to be <textarea>. It can be called whether as an Element E or Attribute A.

Directive template file: form.field.directive.html

Layout sample:

<span data-form-mail-field
	  data-name="[form field name]"
	  data-placeholder="[form field placeholder]"
	  data-icon="[form field (font awesome) icon]"


  • Name: scoped @, is the fields's name
  • Placeholder: scoped @, is the fields's placeholder
  • Icon: scoped @, is the fields's (font awesome) icon. Ex. if the icon class is fa-google-plus, the icon parameter should be google-plus without the fa- prefix
  • Size (optional): scoped @, if you want the field to span the half of the row the value would be half
  • Type (optional): scoped @, used to specify the type of the input unless is-textarea is set on true
  • Model: scoped =, receives the model from the controller
  • Required: scoped =isRequired, is set to true if the field is required (used for Angular built in validations)
  • Textarea: scoped =isTextarea, is set to true if the field is a <textarea>. Default: <input>

Every form field element replaced by the directive template.

Link method Since the model doesn't update there is a jQuery-ish code doing it on change event.

When the scope is destroyed the events are removed.

function link(scope, elem){

  // Model update workaround
  elem.delegate("[data-ng-model]", "change", function(){
    scope.model = this.value;

  // On destroy detach events
  scope.$on('$destroy', function(){
    elem.undelegate("[data-ng-model]", "change");

The form field directive also requires the parent form mail directive and the ngModel.


MEAN boilerplate with Gulp tasks to optimize development







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