This package implements the attention mechanism as a Lux layer. It can then be used for closure modeling.
using Pkg
You are probably interested in using the attentioncnn
model, which is a built-in cnn that uses the attention mechanism.
Here is an example of how to use it:
- first you have to define the parameters of the model
T = Float32 # the type of the data
N = 16 # size of the input
D = 2 # number of channels
rng = Xoshiro(123) # random number generator
r = [2, 2] # radii of the attention mechanism
c = [4, 2] # number of features of the intermediate layers
σ = [tanh, identity] # activation functions
b = [true, false] # use bias
emb_sizes = [8, 8] # size of the embeddings
patch_sizes = [8, 5] # size of the patches in which the attention mechanism is applied
n_heads = [2, 2] # number of heads of the attention mechanism
use_attention = [true, true] # use the attention at this layer
sum_attention = [false, false] # use attention in sum mode instead of concat mode (BUG)
- then you can call the model
closure, θ, st = attentioncnn(
T = T,
N = N,
D = D,
data_ch = D,
radii = r,
channels = c,
activations = σ,
use_bias = b,
use_attention = use_attention,
emb_sizes = emb_sizes,
patch_sizes = patch_sizes,
n_heads = n_heads,
sum_attention = sum_attention,
rng = rng,
use_cuda = false,
Look in test/
for more examples about how to use the package.
If you use AttentionLayer.jl in your work, please cite using the reference given in CITATION.cff.
If you want to make contributions of any kind, please first that a look into our contributing guide directly on GitHub or the contributing page on the website
SCiarella 💻 |