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Benchmark script

This script is used to benchmark the performance of the different implementations of the algorithm. Different configuration can be set in the configs/conf.yaml file or as environment variable as ENV["CONF_FILE"], see example configs/conf.yaml file for more details.

There are two main scripts in the Benchmark repository:

  • `single_benchmark.jl": a script to train a single model (define in its config file), and produce its specific analysis for the model defined architecture.
  • benchmark.jl: compares the performance of all the models that have been trained already, and produces some summary plots to quantify which model is the best.

Installation and running

To install the dependecies and run the benchmark script, make sure you are in the Benchmark directory and run the following command in julia:

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.activate(".")
julia> Pkg.instantiate()
juila> Pkg.include("benchmark.jl")

To install the dependecies, you can also run the following command in the terminal:

julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'

The -e flag allows you to execute the commands without opening the Julia REPL.

To run the script:

julia --project benchmark.jl

Setting the number of CPU cores

To set the number of CPU cores to be used by julia, you can set the argument -p followed by the number of cores to be used. For example:

julia --project -p 4 benchmark.jl

To set number of cores for the number of threads for multithreading, you can set the argument -t followed by the number of threads to be used. For example, auto will use all available threads:

julia --project -t auto benchmark.jl


To develop the benchmark script, you can use Revise package to automatically reload the script when changes are made. To do so, run the following command in julia:

julia> using Revise
julia> includet("benchmark.jl")  # instead of include("benchmark.jl")


Benchmarking CoupledNODE.jl, and also NeuralClosure






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