Releases: DH-Center-Tuebingen/Spacialist
Releases · DH-Center-Tuebingen/Spacialist
- Info modal in references tab to view all information from an literature reference
- Copy BibTeX-Code of literature item to clipboard
- Entity type color dot to entity detail's link list (entity type name is shown on hover)
- Attach files to bibliography entries
- Validation to bibliography add/edit form
- More (optional) bibtex fields (doi, email, url, type)
- Only delete avatar if is set and exists on disk
- Display image in About modal
- Closing modal after user is (successfully) added
- Display errors from server if user can not be added (e.g. due to already existing nickname or email address)
- References list not visible after added a new one if it's the first literature reference added to that attribute
- Newly created entity types only selectable as sub-entity types after reload
- Column ordering in bibliography
- Saving changed type of bibtex entry
- Do not show Delete Entity action in entity's dropdown if user does not have the permission
- Translations for read notifications
- Updated Modal Library to Version 4
- Better handling of
in BibTeX - Show translated BibTeX-Type in literature entry add/edit modal's type selection
- Make new modal library useable by plugins
- Display option to access analysis tool in Tools (if available)
- height of notification panel if larger than screen
- Missing styling in Add Entitytype component
- Several geodata related bugs
- Node dropdown not closed on outside click
- Error on deleting plugin (Plugin not found)
- Allow
as column type in plugin migrations - Importing values for integer/percentage datatype in data importer
- Wrong translated concepts for languages with lang code mismatch
- Support for color schemas (Dark Mode with unrounded corners included)
- Login of deactivated users
- Remove references to removed
- Updated
package to make map component work again
v0.9 - Isfahan
- Global State for shared information (Vuex)
- Reset unsaved Entity attribute values
- Delete/Restore individual rows in tabular attribute
- Load csv data into tabular attribute
- Preview resulting attribute in New Attribute Dialog
- RISM-Attribute
- Button to jump from Entity Attribute to linked Entity
- Entity Multiple Choice-Attribute
- List with all entities that reference currently selected entity in Entity Attribute
- Line numbers and skipping rows to CSV table component
- CSV-based Data Importer
- Supply matching user list for mentioning (type '@' in comment to get a searchable list)
- Improved Attribute Validation
- Editing Entity Name
- Revamp Role Permission Configuration
- Add Presets to Derive Role Permission Set from
- Allow Plugins to have their own Permission Set and extend existing Role Presets
- Disable Loading Iconclass Button when attribute value is not set
- Switch Icon for Loading Iconclass Button
- Update Laravel to Version 8
- Update VueJS to Version 3
- Restructure Bootstrapping and Setup of App
- Restructure Layout of Data Model Editor for better UX
- Restructure Layout of Preference Pages
- Replace most of Checkboxes with Switches
- Replace Infinite Loading Plugin with simple directive
- Replace search backend (and adding search for attribute value)
- Update Dependencies
- Bootstrap 5
- Multiselect (switched from vue-multiselect to multiselect)
- Modals (switched from vue-js-modal to vue-final-modal)
- Validation (Updated vee-validate from v2 to v4)
- Switched from Infinite Loading Plugin to own implementation
v0.8 - Helgö
- Support to extend all data with a comment section. Currently:
- Attributes
- Entities
- Notification-Panel
- Get a notification when a new comment is posted (and the notified user has already commented on this resource)
- User profile to allow users to edit their information
- Support for phone numbers and avatars
- Activity Log (Logging changes to all models (Entities, Files, ...))
- Switch from momentjs to dayjs for dates
- Replaced certainty description with new comment section
- Show info after file upload is finished
- Make links in lists accessible
- Chart visualization to table attribute
- Position of long entity names in link tab (file viewer)
- Error when parts of Exif data is not available
- Caching attribute data in GIS layer styles
- Chart overlays to GIS layer styling
- Display multiple attributes in GIS view as labels
- Unnecessary initializing snapping to features on the map (snapping is now initialized when editing mode is activated and onyl for the current visible part of the map)
- Drag & Drop in entity tree
- Timezone of date filter
- Proper error messages for incomplete data in time period and epoch datatypes
- Display entity name in GIS layer labeling instead of ID