Releases: DH-Center-Tuebingen/Spacialist
Releases · DH-Center-Tuebingen/Spacialist
v0.6 - Federsee
This release is based on different frameworks. Please check for upgrade informations.
- File Viewer
- Simple Office Documents Viewer (as HTML-Text)
- Edit Mode for text and XML files
- Replace single files (even with different file types)
- Rendering of HTML files
- DICOM Support
- Rename files
- 3D-Viewer can now load all 3D files of sub-entities into same scene
- New audio plugin (based on wavesurfer, visualization and EQ)
- Simple navigation to jump to previous/next file right from the modal (using buttons or left/right arrow key)
- Icons in the upper right corner to indicate whether this file is linked and has tags
- Checkboxes in the upper left corner to select files for export/download
- Properties (copyright and description) and tags fields to upload page, to set them for all uploaded files
- Shortcut (
ctrl + v
) to directly upload files from clipboard
- Tree View
- Reorder buttons (by rank (default), name, entity-type, children count)
- Welcome Page
- Maintainer (Name and E-Mail-Address), Project Description and Access (Public/Private) can be configured in settings
- Reference Modal
- Options (Edit/Delete) to reference list
- Bibliography
- Export BibTeX
- 'Hide BibTeX metadata fields' toggle in Bibliography view
- Auto-Fill from clipboard (
ctrl + v
) in new/edit entry modal
- Attribute Types
- SQL Type
- Rendered as Table or single value
- Supports translations (Use
as header/content) - Supports
as placeholder for current selected entity
- Serial Type (Auto-incrementing ID)
- SQL Type
- Geometry Preference (EPSG-Code). E.g. to display coordinates in popups different from EPSG:4326
- Measurement tool for map
- Attribute Dependencies
- Attributes can now depend (are visible/invisible) on values of other attributes
- GIS View
- QGIS-like styling (categorized, graduated (equal interval and quantile) and color) and labeling
- Contributors in about modal
- Data-Model-Editor
- Duplicate Entity-Types
- Option to restrict options for dropdowns
- Info texts on hover to icon-only labeled buttons/links/etc.
- Set user's language to browser's default in user settings
- Moved from Lumen (5.3) to Laravel (5.7)
- Moved from AngularJS (1.5) to Vue.js (2.5)
- Moved from LeafletJS (1.0) to OpenLayers (5.2)
- Updated Bootstrap 3.3 to 4.1
- Switched from Material Design back to original Bootstrap
- Switched from Material Icons to new FontAwesome 5.5
- Moved Plugin-like parts to real Plugins
- Certainty Modal now has 3 icons to view information without opening the modal
- !-Icon: Always displayed. Color based on certainty level
- Comment-Icon: Displayed if there is a comment
- Bookmark-Icon: Displayed if there is at least one reference
- User/Role Management bundle several actions (Save, Edit, Delete, ...) in single dropdown (...-menu)
- Adding/Reorder attributes in Context-Type tab in Data-Model-Editor is now done using Drag&Drop.
- File Viewer
- Load files as chunk of 15
- Filter by ... for each tab (Linked, Unlinked, All Files)
- Filetype
- Camera
- Date
- Link tab revamped
- Added option to link to entities from a search bar
- Added 'Unlink/Link from/to entity' button in
- Tree View
- Now loads root elements only. Sub-elements are loaded on request
- Bibliography
- Only loads the first 20 entries. More entries are loaded on scroll.
- Dropped differentiation between mandatory and optional fields (all are optional now).
- Tree Search is now async and matching entities can be selected from a list (and expanded/highlighted)
- Global search based on relevance. Also supports bangs for different categories:
+ Search term: Entities!f
+ Search term: Files!g
+ Search term: Geodata!b
+ Search term: Bibliography
- 3D-File-Viewer: Mouse Controls now work even if WebVR is available (but not active)
- Links: The links have changed, but they will continue to work. We recommend to update your bookmarks, because the old link structure is now deprecated
- Edit Mode (Column sizes can still be modified in preferences)
- Only show up to first 10 rows in csv preview
- Add option to parse csv without header row
- Add help icon to header (links to github wiki)
- Allow to clear selected epoch
- Submit buttons to most forms (hit enter to submit)
- Version info/about popup in header bar (settings menu)
- Revamp header bar
- Tree search (deleting last char in search didn't show whole tree)
- Height of containters (global scroll bar should be gone)
- Missing map
v0.5 - Ephesus
- GIS View
- Importer
- WKT (as CSV)
- Shape Files
- Export layers
- GeoJSON (default)
- WKT (as CSV)
- Layer options
- Importer
- Analysis View (Beta)
- SQL-like expert mode
- simple non-SQL mode (default)
- Visualizations based on
- Scatter
- Line
- Bar
- Pie
- Histogram
- Ternary
- Export
- as CSV (ambiguous columns are currently not supported)
- Error on empty Geo Objects
- Fix Tree Search
- Fix empty and non-working filter in files tab
- Map (and files, if both deactivated) was still visible/selected, if deactivated
- Fix tag section in file modal
- Spinner icon to login screen as indicator for loading data (For some instances it can take several seconds to load the required data)
- Roles/Permissions are now only seeded if they don't exist yet (It was not possible to add new permissions to existing projects without reseed everything)
- Catch exception in exif parser to keep Spacialist running even if exif parsing failed
- Check if file exists before parsing exif to keep Spacialist running even if a file gets lost on disk, but is still present in the database.
- New supported filetypes
files (Protein Data Bank)- compressed files (e.g.
- Download button in the file viewer
- New Datatype: Table
- A couple of bugs in epoch datatype (it was possible to store non-integer data and data with a start date > end date)
- Context form must be valid to store context
- Error after adding a literature to the Additional Information popup
- Fixed a drag&drop bug in the context tree (see #255)
v0.4 - Delphi
- Preferences to allow customization for admins and users as well
- Global search, Supports
- Contexts by...
- name
- lasteditor
- updated_at (supported format is
MM.DD.YYYY <DayName> <MonthName>
) - Context-Type
- Attributes (Values and Labels)
- Files by...
- Tags
- Copyright
- Description
- lasteditor
- Layers by...
- Name
- Sources (click on the star icon in the results to jump to the source entry) by...
- description
- lasteditor (literature, source and context)
- Literature by...
- all fields
- Users by...
- Name
- Contexts by...
- Unstaged Changes Popup is no longer displayed when reference icon (the star icon) next to an attribute of the same context is clicked
- Description for Literature References Entry is no longer required
- State changes after a file popup is closed is no longer buggy (clicking another file before the page was reloaded led to weird behaviour)
- Saving a context no longer requires a page reload
- Flickering of the References tab in the right-hand view (map, files, ...) is fixed
- Display csv as table (with support for different delimiters)
- Display context type's layertype in Data Model Editor
- citation key in bibliography table (update/overwrite now based on citation key)
- Vive support for 3D viewer
- Display reference-indicator if certainty is changed
- Fix missing values of metadata in file popup
- Marker popup form styles
- Opacity of layers (Storing was not possible, stored value was ignored)
- List linked contexts in file popup
- Exif Data viewer for image files (JPEG and TIFF)
- Display coordinates in DMS (Degree Minute Second) in marker popup