This website represents a fictional zoo. On the site you can learn about different animals. This project was created in web-engineernig labor 2 with the following task:
Erstellen und deployen Sie eine dynamische Web-Applikation für die Präsentation von Tieren in einem Zoo. Stellen Sie insbesondere Details dar wie Gattung, Herkunft, Alter, Namen des betreuender Pflegers sowie Kommentare zu jedem Tier.
This app is based on nextjs, prisma and postgresql. The app is deployed with docker.
Learn about the used technologies:
- docker with nextjs
- nextjs with typescript
- getting stated with prisma
- fullstack app nextjs, prisma & postgresql
- Install Docker on your machine.
- Install Docker Compose.
- Clone repository:
git clone
orgit clone
- Run containers with:
docker compose up