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Plugin Template for DMXControl 3

This repository contains both Kernel and GUI plugins to demonstrate how plugins for DMXControl 3 are written and which elements are required. Additionally, this repository includes examples of potentially useful classes and how to register their objects.

Required Plugin Structure

For both the GUI and Kernel plugins, you need to create a class that inherits from GuiPluginBase for the GUI plugin or KernelPluginBase for the Kernel plugin. This class serves as the entry point for DMXControl 3 to your plugin, and all other plugin content can be initialized and started from there.


You must change the GUID and the registered name to meaningful values in the constructor of the plugin class! The GUID must be unique so DMXControl 3 can distinguish between different plugins. The name is displayed in the plugins window, allowing users to identify your plugin easily.

Folder Structure of DMXControl 3

All plugins must be added to the plugin folder in the Kernel or the GUI depending on the plugin. You can place your plugin directly in the plugin folder or within a separate sub-folder dedicated to your plugin.

  • If you place the plugin directly in the plugin folder, ensure all your dependencies are moved to the api-dlls folder.
  • If you use a separate folder for your plugin, you can either place your dependencies in the api-dlls folder or keep them within the plugin sub-folder.

In both cases, DMXControl 3 should locate and load the dependencies correctly.

Function Calls

The following section lists all relevant function calls for the plugins:

Function Call Time Mandatory Kernel GUI Description
initializePlugin() Once at DMXControl 3 startup Perform the basic initialization of your plugin here. This function is called even if the plugin is not activated. Avoid creating objects that are unnecessary while the plugin is deactivated.
startupPlugin() Each time the plugin is activated (when the checkbox in the plugin window is selected) Initialize all runtime data required for the plugin here. Also, check if the Kernel has already loaded a project.
shutdownPlugin() Each time the plugin is deactivated (when the checkbox in the plugin window is cleared) Clean up all plugin data in this function to ensure no residual influence on DMXControl 3 while the plugin is deactivated.
connectionEstablished() After the connection to the Kernel is established Use this function to load data from the Kernel. Ensure to check whether a project is already loaded.
connectionClosing() Immediately after the connection is initiated for closure Remove all objects that depend on a connection to the Kernel.
loadProject(LumosIOContext context) At the end of the project loading process Load project-specific data stored in the project file here.
saveProject(LumosIOContext context) At the end of the project saving process Save project-specific data here so that it is included in the project.
closeProject(LumosIOContext context) At the end of the project closing process Unload all project-related data and objects here.


The initializePlugin() function is called even if the plugin is not activated. You should not create objects here that are unnecessary while the plugin is deactivated.


The loadProject(LumosIOContext context) function is only called if the GUI is connected and the Kernel loads a project. If your plugin is enabled or a connection is established, you must manually check if a project is already loaded and handle any necessary logic accordingly.

Useful Classes

The following section describes some classes that may be useful for your plugin:

Class Inheritance Kernel/GUI Location Description
PEBranchTemplate AbstractExplorerBranch GUI Project Explorer Adds a new top-level entry in the Project Explorer.
PENodeTemplate AbstractGuiExplorerNode GUI Project Explorer Adds a new sub-node to a branch in the Project Explorer. Nested sub-nodes are also possible.
DimCurveTemplate IFadeCurve Kernel Dimmer Curve Defines a new dimmer curve, which can be used for the dimmer property of a device (in device settings) or the dimmer curve of the Chaser Filter.
FrequentEffectTemplate AbstractFrequentFunctionEffect Kernel Effects and Filters Defines a new 1D effect based on a physical function.
MxMatrixEffectTemplate AbstractMxEffect Kernel Effects and Filters Defines a new matrix effect.
NodeTemplate AbstractNode or AbstractNodeWithEnable Kernel Input Assignment Adds a new node to the Input Assignment, suitable for logic nodes independent of other objects like devices, cuelists etc.
WrapperNodeTemplate IWrapperGraphNode with AbstractNode or AbstractNodeWithEnable Kernel Input Assignment Adds a wrapper node to the Input Assignment, intended for nodes which are wrapper for other objects like devices, cuelists etc.
SourceTemplate AbstractInputSource Kernel Input Assignment Adds a new input source with a single input. Useful e.g. for external device inputs, similar to keyboard inputs.
SinkTemplate AbstractInputSink Kernel Input Assignment Adds a new sink with a single output. Useful for returning data e.g. to an external device.
MainSwitchTemplate IMainSwitch Kernel Main Switch Adds a new switch to the main switch feature in the left quick-access menu, allowing users to enable/disable parts of your plugin.


In future versions of DMXControl 3, Input Sources and Input Sinks may be deprecated. Be aware of potential changes in upcoming releases.


You can use DMXControl 3's logging system to write debug information. Examples are available for setting up the Lumos logger. Once the Log object is initialized, you can log messages using:

  • Log.Info()
  • Log.Debug()
  • Log.Warn()
  • Log.Error()


Ensure proper error handling using try ... catch ... blocks where needed to prevent DMXControl 3 from crashing.


Using DMXControl 3's internal logging system is optional. You may implement your own logging mechanism. However, using the internal system facilitates easier debugging by aligning your plugin's log entries with those from other DMXControl 3 components.


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