Leaderboard shows the top contributors based on their contribution activities on GitHub.
# Add Github Personal Access Token
# USER_LIST: users the app should track.
$ cp .env.example .env
$ make run
- Clone the repository.
$ git clone git@github.com:leapfrogtechnology/oss-leaderboard.git
$ cd oss-leaderboard
- Setup a virtualenv.
$ make venv
- Activate the virtualenv.
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ make setup
$ make test
Note: This ensures all the dependencies are complete since tests are run in an isolated container.
Feel free to send pull requests. Make sure to run following commands:
$ make format
$ make check
$ make test
The Intermediate score table stores the counts of all the individual contribution sub-types for each of the contributors. The labels in the table starting from T1S1 to T5S1 correspond to the following:
Label | Contribution Subtype |
t1s1 | PR opened in a repo not owned by the user |
t1s2 | PR opened in a repo owned by the user |
t2s1 | PR reviewed that is opened by the user and contributed in the repo owned by the user |
t2s2 | PR reviewed that is not opened by the user and contributed in the repo owned by the user |
t2s3 | PR reviewed that is opened by the user and contributed in the repo not owned by the user |
t2s4 | PR reviewed that is not opened by the user and contributed in the repo not owned by the user |
t3s1 | Issue created in a repo owned by the user |
t3s2 | Issue created in a repo not owned by the user |
t4s1 | Commented on issue created by user in the repo owned by the user |
t4s2 | Commented on issue not created by user in the repo owned by the user |
t4s3 | Commented on issue created by user in the repo not owned by the user |
t4s4 | Commented on issue not created by user in the repo not owned by the user |
t5s1 | Repo created by the user |
Licensed under The MIT License.