This project uses Yarn. It is advised not to mix package managers as this can result in inconsistent lockfiles across contributors.
To install dependencies for this project, open a command line interface at the directory of your project, and run:
This will create a node_modules
directory in that of your project and add the packages there.
This project utilizes TypeScript. It is a superset of JavaScript and as so, needs to be compiled to it before execution.
To build the project, run:
yarn build
This will create a build
directory in that of your project and compile the project there.
To execute the project, run:
yarn start
This will use the default configurations provided by the project. However, you can specify arguments to change some parameters of the program. For example:
yarn start --ip --ssl false --port 2001 --token abc --maxBots 50
Any or all of these arguments can be specified or excluded. Suit them to your own needs.
If you would like to contribute to this project, you may fork the repository and open a pull request.
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU AGPLv3.