Use Face Id in your browser on macOS for easy and fast login. Insted of entering a Master Password in Enpass browser extension one could use this python script which would recognize your face (using opencv and face_recognition) based on sample facial images you provide.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Enpass 6.4.2 (668)
- Firefox 77.0.1
- macOS Catalania
- Clone repo
- Make venv
- Install requirements.txt
- Put pictures(3 and more pictures) where you face can be clearly seen in /faces folder.
- In System Preferences/Security and Privacy/Camera give permission to script (to access your cam)
- In System Preferences/Security and Privacy/Accessability give permission to script
- In System Preferences/Security and Privacy/Screen Recording give permission to script
- Make sure that Enpass Shortcuts in your Browser is (cmd + /)
- Run script
- Open Firefox & Enpass
- Go to Firefox and press Shortcut
- Script will recognize your face and unlock Enpass
Contributers are welcome to adapt this code for Windows and other password managers. Please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to do.
- Daniel Ko