- A lot of refactoring / better abstaction
- Frontend UI
- Formal Paper
- Better Testing
- Install Python
- Clone rhymerap repo
- Install Pip
- Install Pipenv
$ pip install --user pipenv
- Install dependencies via Pipenv In the rhymerap repo directory:
$ pipenv install
- Install cmusphinx/cmudict from https://github.com/cmusphinx/cmudict
- Install cmusphinx/g2p-seq2seq
$ git clone https://github.com/cmusphinx/g2p-seq2seq.git
$ python setup.py install (from the g2p-seq2seq directory)
- Install vgautam/arpabet-syllabifier
$ git clone https://github.com/vgautam/arpabet-syllabifier
$ python setup.py install (from the arpabet-syllabifier directory)
This section is based on the README from the cmusphinx/g2p-seq2seq repository First run the pythonenv
$ pipenv shell
The cmusphinx/g2p-seq2seq pretrained model can be found in models/model_size-256_layers-3_filter-512_best. To try out individual words, run the following:
$ g2p-seq2seq --interactive --model_dir model_folder_path
> hello
Pronunciations: [HH EH L OW]
For an English word list with one word per line run:
$ g2p-seq2seq --decode your_wordlist --model_dir model_folder_path [--output decode_output_file_path]
Word error rate can be found by running:
$ g2p-seq2seq --evaluate your_test_dictionary --model_dir model_folder_path
For the pretrained model:
Words: 13508
Errors: 4078
WER: 0.302
Accuracy: 0.698
$ pipenv shell
$ python3 src/lyrics2groups.py temp/text/figaro.txt cmudict/cmudict.phones models/g2p-seq2seq-model-6.2-cmudict-nostress
usage: lyrics2groups.py [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIR_PATH] [-n PHONEME_LIST]
input_text phones_path model_dir_path
positional arguments:
input_text input directory path with .txt files of
phones_path .phones file path with format the same as
model_dir_path g2p model directory path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT_DIR_PATH, --output_dir_path OUTPUT_DIR_PATH
output directory path with for <name>.html file
-n PHONEME_LIST, --phoneme_list PHONEME_LIST
phoneme_list directory path where
<name>_phoneme_list.txt files go
-w UNKNOWN_LIST_DIR, --unknown_list_dir UNKNOWN_LIST_DIR
unknown_list_dir directory path where
<name>_unknown_list.txt files go
unknown_list_dir directory path where
<name>_unknown_list.txt files go
-a, --addresses_on view the output with the addresses of each syllable
-e, --evaluate Return evaluation metrics for figaro, automatically
replacesinput_text with "src/eval_group/figaro.txt"
although positionalargument still required
From the source directory, run:
.../src$ python3 -m unittest tests.tests
- https://github.com/cmusphinx/g2p-seq2seq
- README instructions inspired from this too
- cmusphinx/g2p-seq2seq pretrained dictionary from sourceforge
- https://github.com/nltk/nltk
- https://github.com/vgautam/arpabet-syllabifier