Repository for scientific iniciation project in the Department of Transportation Engineering - EESC-USP.
Project name: "Implementation of a Traffic Simulation Model using Celular Automata"
Original title: "Implementação de um modelo de simulação de tráfego rodoviário usando Cellular Automata"
Abstract: Models of traffic simulation have become a useful tool for planning, design, and operation of Transportation Systems. Their main advantage is the capacity to evaluate alternatives before implementation and investigate conditions that would be difficult to observe in the real world. Therefore, it is not necessary to submit the users of the system to inconvenient tests. However, the use of simulation requires proper calibration of the model, assuring an adequate representation of real traffic stream. Regarding this aspect, the recently developed "Cellular Automata" (or CA) models, simple and flexible, offer a vast range of information about traffic behaviour with minimum computational effort and allow for fast and big scale implementations. The present work aims to calibrate a simple TCA (Traffic Cellular Automata) microscopic model using real data from the freeways of São Paulo and compare its results to other already established macroscopic models (Greenshields, Pipes and Van Aerde).