- "Around 70% of Data Breaches Occur Due to Unawareness About the Terms & conditions of service, From Facebook-Cambridge Analytica to Whatsapp Privacy Issue Most of the Time These Legal/Policy Documents are Gigantic Enough for Normal User to Compile & Understand."
- "Reading Long Documents/Articles Can Be Time Consuming & often Combursome if Text is Large Enough."
- Building a Robust AI-driven Platform That can Provide Legal analysis of the Terms & Conditions/Legal Agreements And Quick Summarisation of Articles using Natural Language Processing & Recurring Neural Network.
- Natural Language Processing For Summarisation.
- Recurring Neural Network Model For Legal AnaLysis.
- Responsive Material/Minimalistic UI Webapp.
- Image/Text input Input in Hindi or English.
- Tesseract for Text Extraction from Image.
- Google Translate API for Translation.
- CI/CD Pipeline
- Front End: HTML5/CSS3/ Bootstrap/JavaScript/jQuery/GSAP
- Backend End: Flask
- Deployment: Heroku
- ML Models: Python
- Github : https://github.com/Dart9000/DecodeX
- Deployment : https://decode-x.herokuapp.com/
- Video : soon...