Put together by Marshall Borrus + Niku Darafshi
The site was originally compiled locally on my computer (with Hugo), and was uploaded to Github as files were updated. The website is recompiled at Datawaveproject.github.io every time a file is pushed to the repisitory thanks to some handy internet guides which use a public workflow file to run Hugo online.
To edit files on the website, you can clone the repository to your local drive, or edit the files using the online editing interface. Email nikud@stanford.edu for editing permisions.
- Navigate to DataWaveProject.github.io/content/Jobs/
- Navigate to ./images/ a. Upload a square logo of the institution to the /images/ folder if none exists b. Copy the file name if one already exists (ex: Rice_Square.png)
- Navigate back to ./Jobs/ and a. upload any .pdf files you have b. create a new file (top right of web page) with a name ending in .md
- Use template:
title: "## Position ## at ##University##"
date: 2021-03-15 ##Change to todays date for indexing##
featured: true
draft: false
weight: 1
location: "##CITY/STATE##, ##COUNTRY##"
featured_image:: "/images/cover/<#Your image here#>.png"
{{< rawhtml >}}
<img src="/Jobs/images/<#Your image here#>.png" alt="University Logo" style="float:left;width:25%;height:25%;padding:0 25px 0 0;">
<h2> Advisor: <#Your Lead here#> </h2>
<!-- ![logo](/images/cover/<#Your image here#>.png) -->
<a href="/pdfs/<#Your pdf here#>.png">PDF Here</a>
<p> summary of your job description to be shared as a blurb on other pages </p>
{{< /rawhtml >}}
More extensive description of job which can be written in markdown, as opposed to the lines above, which are in HTML
- Commit changes (publish) and a github pages routine will finish in the background, recompling the site and uploading your new page within a few minutes. If you don't see your new page in 6-7 minutes, clear your cache and cookies and re-load the Datawave page.