Use it at you own risk. It will overclock your Pi 4/400 to 4x 2.0 GHz. Be sure to use a heatsink on the Pi 4. The Pi 400 should be fine without (mine is around 38°C while modep is running).
It requires the 64-bit version of Raspberry OS.
Follow official instructions.
Make sure to set the right name and config for your USB or I2S audio interface. You can figure it out by using aplay -l. My config is made for a Tascam Model 12, which gives me 12 channels multitrack out and 10 channels input via USB, which comes very handy.
sudo cp systemd/* /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable jackd.service
sudo systemctl enable mod-host.service
sudo systemctl enable mod-ui.service
afterwards start the services using systemctl start <service_name>
sudo cp config.txt /boot/
dpkg -i <deb_name>