An Api to help organise meal planning and ordering for madam sauce
First of all,
If you're reading this, please star this repo. I wanna be famous🥺
- Download or clone this repository
- Run
npm install
on the terminal (do not npm audit fix if you plan to see test coverage on the web) - Set madam_sauce_kitchen_jwtPrivateKey environment variable to store your private key for Json Web Tokens - Important!
For example
You can run this on the terminal:
export madam_sauce_kitchen_jwtPrivateKey=mySecureKey
- Set the NODE_ENV environment variable to test
- Run
npm test
on the terminal - open the newly created coverage/Icov-report/index.html file to see test coverage on the app
There are 4 routes:
- /api/meals - used to do CRUD on Meals
- /api/auth - used to do make a Login request (only admins like madam sauce can login)
- /api/admins - used to do CRUD on Admins
- /api/orders - used to do CRUD on customer Orders
A. GET / route
This returns all the available meals in the database.
B. GET /?day route
This takes a valid day of the week as a query and returns all the available meals for that particular day.
C. GET /:id route
This returns a meal with the given id.
D. POST / route
When logged in (use auth token)
Pass a valid meal object with name, day and price properties in the body of the request to add a new meal.
For Example:
"name" : "banga soup",
"day" : "monday",
"price" : 5000
E. PUT /:id route
When logged in (use auth token)
Step 1: Pass a meal id as a parameter
Step 2: Pass a valid meal object with name, day and price properties in the body of the request to update an existing meal.
F. DELETE /:id route
When logged in (use auth token)
Pass a meal id as a parameter to delete an existing meal.
A. POST / route
Pass a valid admin object with email and password in the body of the request and get an auth token.
For Example:
"email" : "",
"password" : "povertyDie123!"
With no frontend interface, this auth token can be passed into any request's header with a key named "x-auth-token" to pass for a logged in admin
A. GET / route
When logged in (use auth token)
This returns the names of all admins.
B. GET /:id route
When logged in (use auth token)
This returns the admin with the given id.
C. POST / route
When logged in (use auth token)
Pass a valid admin object with name, email and password in the body of the request.
For Example:
"name" : "Oga Emma",
"email" : "",
"password" : "povertyDie123!"
D. PUT /:id route
When logged in (use auth token)
Step 1: Pass a admin id as a parameter
Step 2: Pass a valid admin object with name, email and password properties in the body of the request to update an existing admin.
F. DELETE /:id route
When logged in (use auth token)
Pass a admin id as a parameter to delete an existing admin.
A. GET / route
When logged in (use auth token), this returns all orders.
B. GET /:id route
When logged in (use auth token), this returns an order with the given Id.
C. POST / route
Pass a valid order object with a valid / existing mealId and a customer object in the body of the request.
For Example:
"mealId" : "5f8cbeab6c652065c4bebde9",
"customer" : {
"name" : "Osita supposeLikeFood",
"phone" : "08072454321"
D. PUT /:id route
When logged in (use auth token)
Step 1: Pass an order id as a parameter
Step 2: Pass a valid order object with a valid / existing mealId and a customer object in the body of the request.
F. DELETE /:id route
When logged in (use auth token)
Pass an order id as a parameter to delete an existing order.