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Project in Course of Udacity's Data Engineering Nano-Degree

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Udacity's Data Engineering With AWS Nano-Degree - Project: Automate Data Pipelines

This is a fictional project for lesson 4 of Udacity's Data Engineering with AWS nano-degree to be reviewed by Udacity.

Table of Contents

  1. The (Fictional) Task
  2. Repository structure
  3. Usage

1. The (Fictional) Task

The fictional task is to help the startup "Sparkify". It is more or less the same task as in lesson 2, now just using Apache Airflow. For more on Sparkify and the data, please see here in my previous repo.

Please note the following:

  • In the aforementioned repo, I intensively explored the data and therefore came up with slightly different design choices for the dimension and fact table construction than Udacity (which had a rather naive approach). The dimensions are better designed when mostly based on the log-data and only partially enriched by song-data where applicable. This also leads to dependencies of the songs dimension table on the artists dimension table, which therefore should be reflected in the pipeline:

  • The song data in Udacity's S3 bucket is quite large and in a nested folder structure, which sometimes makes loading the data break. However, the song data is not well aligned with the log data, and therefore I suggest that - for this demonstration - it is also sufficient to load them only partially (like from s3://udacity-dend/song-data/A/A/A) (for Udacity students see also here).
  • Although the rubric asks for an hourly schedule of the project DAG/pipeline, I decided to set it to daily to avoid it from running wild directly after starting Airflow triggering numerous runs (and I returned back to @hourly because nitty-gritty Udacity made me do so)

2. Repository structure

    custom_operators/     # Operator for creating and dropping tables
    helpers/      # Including the static queries    # DAG to create the table necessary         # Project DAG      # DAG to drop the tables
    # Empty as Airflow does not accept operators as plugins since version 2.0 (see above in

Please note that plugins do not allow for importing operators since Airflow version 2.0 as well as hooks and sensors any longer. Therefore I rearranged the files structure compared to the template provided by Udacity. Furthermore, I decided to build Airflow DAGs for creating and destroying the tables in Redshift as and, both using the Operator defined in

3. Usage

To make use of this repo, please ensure that you have installed

  • Docker and
  • PostgeSQL on your local machine.

In addition, of course, you'll need a setup on AWS (which I used my free-tier account for):

  • An account (I used the free tier)
  • An IAM user, e.g. called awsuser,
    • being granted programmatic access via access key ID and secret access key
    • having AdministratorAccess, AmazonRedshiftFullAccess and AmazonS3FullAccess
  • A role, e.g. called my-redshift-service-role for accessing Redshift with
    • this policy document:
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Principal": {
                  "Service": ""
              "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
    • add AmazonS3FullAccess
  • A Redshift Serverless service, having
    • the IAM user above as admin with a password of your choice
    • the role above attached to the service
    • the corresponding VPC made publicly available and adding inbound rules for Custom TCP, with a port range of 0 - 5000 and Anywhere-iPv4 as source
    • the service itself made publicly accessible
docker compose up airflow-init
docker compose up

Go to Airflow GUI at and log in as user "airflow" with password "airflow"

Now you need to setup the following Airflow connections to

  • Amazon Web Services via the IAM users from above and
  • Amazon Redshift (serverless) from above

Now, finally, you should be able to run your DAGs by first run the create_tables DAG and then the sparkify_pipe DAG.

If you're done, you can of course run the drop_tables DAG to clean up your Redshift database and terminate your docker containers by running

docker compose down

If you want to remove the data saved in the volumes as well (e.g. the variables and the connections saved in PostgreSQL) run

docker compose down --volumes --remove-orphans


Project in Course of Udacity's Data Engineering Nano-Degree







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